Implementing custom tracking

Implementing custom tracking


This document describes how to configure custom tracking scripts in your storefront.


Main Menu   →  Storefronts   → (pop out menu) Storefront Host  → (storefronts menu) Conversion Tracking → Custom (tab)


Navigate to StoreFronts and choose Conversion Tracking then select Custom:

Configuring tracking scripts

You will be given a large field to format, add your text and click the Save Changes button:

Order Tokens that can be used in the tracking scripts

Also Note that there are tokens that you can use to pass information along to the your third-party tracking system:

Tokens that can be used 

[IfPurchased=<ItemId>]<Conditionally Display>[/IfPurchased] 
[IfPaymentMethod=<Method>]<Conditionally Displayed>[/IfPaymentMethod] 
[IfShippingMethod=<Method>]<Conditionally Displayed>[/IfShippingMethod] 
[ProductQuantity1] ... [ProductQuantity#] 

Don't assume that it works after you add your custom tracking. Test with your third party tracking system to confirm.

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