StoreFronts updating Contact Us information

StoreFronts updating Contact Us information

The Storefront contains two "Contact Us" sections:

  1. Contact us details in the footer section of all of the storefront pages.
  2. A "Contact Us" page with an email form to submit a message.

Contact Us details within the footer section of the storefront pages.

The Contact Us information is found in the footer section of the StoreFronts pages and checkout. It is important to keep this information up to date as there is information here (by default) that might be confusing to your customer(s).

  1. Navigate into StoreFronts General tab.

  2. Scroll down to the "Contact Us Information" section.

  3. Make sure all information is current. Click on "Save" at the bottom when finished.

Contact Us page form

By default, there is a Contact Us form page in the storefront catalog. This is in addition to the Footer details mentioned above.

This "Contact Us" form page requires two configuration steps:

  1.  Configuring the customer service section for the storefront host:

    (See our help document for the Customer Service Configuration page)

  2. Configure an UltraCart User that contains the contact us/ customer service email address configured above AND has the "Customer Feedback" email notification enabled.


If you configure this as a separate user specifically for receiving the contact us emails, the user does not need to have any permissions configured.

To configure a new user, see: Users.

Q: Can we configure multiple email addresses to receive the "contact us" form submissions?

A: Not within UltraCart. However, you can accomplish the same by configuring email forwarding or CC to additional addresses from your email server.