reCAPTCHA Configuration

reCAPTCHA Configuration


Registering with Google reCAPTCHA v2

First navigate to Google reCAPTCHA.  You'll need to login to your Google account.

Next, click on the + button of the main toolbar as shown below.

Fill out the form similar to the screenshot below.  The label should be a description you recognize. 
For the type, make sure to choose V2 and "I'm not a robot".  In the domains section, make sure to specify your domain name:

After submitting the form, the next screen will present you with the site key and secret key.

You'll need to copy those values during the next section of this installation guide.

Installing reCAPTCHA keys in your StoreFront

Navigate to Home → StoreFront → Advanced (tab) → reCAPTCHA.

Enter your Site and Secret keys.  Save.

Turning on reCAPTCHA for your Contact Us page

All pages that use the template_contact.vm template will have a checkbox for turning reCAPTCHA on.  Just check the box (assuming your have installed keys already), and your Contact Us forms will be protected by Google reCAPTCHA.

Turning on reCAPTCHA for your Affiliate Signup

reCAPTCHA is automatically activated for any StoreFront Affiliate Signup screen if keys are installed in the StoreFront.   There is nothing more you need to do.

Some caveats:

  1. Your theme must support reCAPTCHA.  The earliest theme supporting reCAPTCHA was Mr. Teas on 5/16/2016.  Some themes are still awaiting the updated code.
  2. There is a flag that was primarily used for legacy sites to show/hide reCAPTCHA and can still affect the StoreFronts.  Make sure that checkbox is checked. 

    You can view this setting by going to Advanced → Affiliate Management → Settings → Require Captcha