StoreFronts Sitemaps locations


Your sitemap helps search engines learn about your store.  The UltraCart StoreFront system will automatically create, update nightly and display URLs that you can register at various Search Engine sites. 

At StoreFronts, click on the Search Engine Optimization tab. Scroll to the bottom of the screen to the Sitemaps section. There you'll see three (3) URL's compatible for popular search engine sites  (Yahoo, &

The URL for the sitemap will change if you change your StoreFront location. It is best to register these sitemap files with the search engines after you have changed your StoreFront location.


Registering your site map with a search engine

Google provides the following page on sitemaps "Help Google crawl the right content" that you should read.

Also, here's a link to Yahoo Help on how to submit your sitemap to Yahoo, Bing, and Google.

Ask Google to recrawl your URLs
