UltraCart Documentation
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Configuring Share-A-Sale StoreFront
Copying a theme from one StoreFront to another
Create a copy of your theme
Creating a blog post
Creating a directory
Creating a new file
Creating a new StoreFront
Creating a submenu
Creating Custom Upsells with a StoreFront
Creating many product pages quickly using conditions
Debugging and logging within a template
Can I Delete A Storefront Host?
Delete a theme
Deleting a file
Deleting a menu
Deleting a page
Does UltraCart host my email
Duplicating an existing theme
Editing a specific line of text for one of the languages
Editing a template
Finding and fixing template Syntax errors
Finding mismatched HTML tags in content
Fine tune your theme
Getting started creating a blog for your site
Handling merge conflicts resulting from Theme Upgrade
Having multiple blogs on your web site
How do I access the file system via FTP
How StoreFront handles static text and multi-lingual support
How to adjust the max-width and max-height for the theme logo
How to customize the favorite icon file favicon.ico
How to disable shipment notifications
Implementing custom tracking
Important Checklist Before Migrating an External Site to StoreFronts
Installing a new theme from the gallery
Integrating Chat Into Your Storefront
Merchant Properties
Migrating Catalog Attributes into StoreFront SEO Fields
StoreFront Emails Delivery Options
Moving a file
Moving a page
Moving a StoreFront from one merchant to another
Overriding theme CSS properly
Page Directive Reference
Page permissions
Page specific SEO
Parent page template does not support child page links and this page is not used in a menu
Previewing a new theme before activating it for customers
Programming forms and fields in a StoreFront template
Providing store locations on your web site
Publishing and hiding a page
Redirecting a URL to another server
Redirecting Old URLS to Prevent 404 Errors
StoreFronts Sitemaps locations
Reordering a menu
Restoring a deleted file
Searching for a file
Searching for specific text within your templates
See changes made to file using file manager version history
Select a different theme
Serving All StoreFront Traffic Over HTTPS
StoreFront search advanced features
StoreFront Template Context Variables
StoreFront Template File Specification
Suppressing or Showing Trust Logos on your web site
The difference between product group pages and product pages.
The StoreFront Template Language
Top 10 Reasons to Use StoreFronts
Understanding Canonical Links
Understanding How StoreFronts Processes URLs
Updating multiple blog posts at once
Upgrade your StoreFronts Theme
Upgrading from a Legacy Checkout to a StoreFront
Upload a new theme
Upload a Store Logo
Using a custom thank you screen
Using a different page template
Using a StoreFront as a Checkout Only
Using Conditions to automatically assign products to a group page
Using favorites
Using Google Maps in your store locator
Using Site-Wide Attributes
Creating Item Attributes
What determines the folder a template is located in within the templates tab
What is a backup search for my StoreFront?
What to do if you cannot see your website
Bing Ads with UET tags - A guide
Modifying Item Options in a StoreFront
Adding additional custom content placeholders to a page template
reCAPTCHA Configuration
StoreFront Image Size Guide
Theme Multi-Lingual Support
How does Multi-Lingual support work for the end customer
How to translate Page, Item or Blog Post text
Finding a template or snippet in the filesystem