Migrating from Catalog to Storefronts
This document details the migration process from the old catalog system to the new storefronts system.
In this instance the merchant build the new storefronts within their develop environment, and now are ready to deploy that to the production side, replacing their old catalog host.
Step 1 - Release SSL from catalog host
Release the SSL form old catalog by changing the hostname. We recommend adding ".moved" to the end of the catalog hostname.
After saving it should appear this way:
NOTE regarding SSL
Your SSL certificate must be in a status of "Issued". If you are in the middle of a renewal you must complete the SSL renewal before continuing.
Step 2 - Assign the SSL certificate to the Storefronts host
Next go to the Storefront menu, then clicking on the "change location" button, where you will be presented with the following dialog screen:
In the "Change your Storefront Domain" section there will be a drop-down menu populated with your available domains. Select the domain then click the orange "Change Storefront Domain" button.
After completing this step, the location will appear like this:
Congratulations! You can now click on the Storefronts location to view the now live storefront using your custom SSL address.
Migration from Dev to production
If you built out the storefront in the dev environment, the final step to complete the process will be to select the "mid.ultracartstore.com" then change its location, this time choosing the "mid.ultracartdev.com" from the "change domain" section like was done in the previous step. This will complete the swap from the dev to production environment!