Logging Into Your UltraCart Account
Instructions And Guidelines To Logging Into Your UltraCart Account.
UltraCart is a Level 1 PCI Compliant Provider, which means our service is constantly tested to ensure we adhere to a rigorous protocol designed to protect the security and integrity of your store data. PCI compliant Security measures are stringent and are of the utmost importance to you and your customers. Let's review the login process in details to better understand how to minimize login issues.
Logging into your account:
The Primary login button is at the top right-hand side of the UltraCart Home Page (www.ultracart.com) and is Titled "Login" as shown below.
Dedicated Login URL
Clicking the login button will redirect you to: https://secure.ultracart.com/merchant/login.do
Dedicated login page
Login Credentials:
There are four login credentials, three of which are required. The fourth is optional but highly recommended. They are:
- Merchant ID (required)
- Login (required)
- Password (required) -
- Secure Code (optional) Learn More --> UltraSecure OTP TokensUltraSecure OTP Tokens
Details about the login credentials:
- The Merchant ID is the account ID that was chosen upon the creation of the account. This ID cannot be changed.
- The Merchant ID is 5 characters or less and is comprised of letters and numbers only. It is not case sensitive.
- All users on your account will enter the same Merchant ID (MID) as the first login credential.
- The Login can be 1-20 characters in length, comprised of letters, numbers and/or the following special characters: (,!,@,#,$,%,^,&,*,)
- The Login credential is the unique identifier for each user accessing your account and should not be shared.
- The Login is case sensitive.
- The Password can be 8-25 characters in length, comprised of letters, numbers, and special characters.
- The Password is case sensitive.
Helpful Secure Password Generator
If you find making up your own passwords to be a royal pain, use this password generator tool to help you create secure passwords:
For another alternative, see also: UltraSecure OTP Tokens
- The UltraSecure Code is a 6 digit number that is generated using the Google Authenticator app, installed on a smart phone device.
- The code changes every 60 seconds. This reduces the likelihood of someone being able to access your account by obtaining your login credentials, short of also having direct access to your phone.
(***Implementing the UltraSecure Code to your login also has the benefit of eliminating the IP Address Activation step during the login process.)
- Invalid login specified
- Incorrect credentials
- IP activation prompt
- IP Block
Reset Password Requirements
In order for the reset to work properly, you must enter the correct MERCHANT ID and LOGIN, otherwise the reset password will not be sent.
If you are unsure of your MerchantID & LOGIN, please contact Ultracart Support by calling 209-383-9870 or emailing us at support@ultracart.com.
Clicking the Reset password button will display the following message at the top of the login screen:
Password Reset
- Password Reset is a two-step process: The first email received contains a link that when clicked will trigger a follow-up email with temporary password you will use to log into your account.
- If the password reset does not appear in your inbox within a few minutes, it may have been send to your spam folder or you may have provided the wrong user login ID. It's also likely that you have a different email address on file than you are expecting. In any of these cases, you should contact UltraCart Support for further assistance.
have UltraCart - Password Reset Request followed by your merchant ID in square braces.
Clicking on the reset password link will trigger a follow up message with the temporary password within.
Responding to an Unrecognized IP During the Login
If you encounter a prompt that states that "You are attempting to access ultracart.com from an unrecognized IP address." there are two distinct situations that can trigger this message:
- You're user is configured with the UltraSecure Password Token but you are failing to enter the current SecureCode on the initial login page.
- You're user is not configured with the UltraSecure Password Token, and you are either logging in form a new location or have not recently logged into your account (more than 5 days from previous successful login.)
In situation #1 you'll be presented with a login error like this:
If you encounter this message, you'll need to backup or navigate back to the initial login page: https://secure.ultracart.com
Then you'll need to re-enter your login credentials making sure to fill in all 4 login fields, with the 4th field entering the active 6 digit number within the Google Authenticator application at that moment.
In Situation #2 you'll be presented with a login error like this:
When you see this screen, click the "Email me a Verification Code".
IF you leave this page, you'll have to start the entire process over again!!!
Now, check your email client for the verification code that was emailed to you, the verification code will appear in the body of the email email like this:
Now you'll enter in the verification code in the first field and your password in the second field:
After carefully entering the activation and your password into the page, click the "Verify my Code" button.
After you are logged into the account, if you used a temporary password, please mouse over your MerchantID which appears above "Home" in the main menu, then click on "Your Preferences" :
On the Your preferences page, scroll down to the New Password section and enter your new password and confirm it. Then scroll down and click the Save button at the bottom of the page.
Secure Password Tool
Do you wish to never ever encounter the IP Activation step again and desire to eliminate the need to update your password every 90 days? If so, return to the "Your Preferences" page again and click the "Chain link" icon to the right of the OTP Serial Number field at the "UltraSecure One Time Password" section. There you'll see the 3 step instructions for implementing the UltraSecure One Time Password login process. This is the preferred option for both security and convenience. (If you don't prefer it, you can easily revert back to the original login process.
Responding to an IP Block on your login:
If you encounter a problem logging into your account, an "IP Block" will be applied to your user login upon the 6th failed login attempt. You'll see the following note in the login page after the IP block is initiated:
"Your IP address has been blocked. An email was sent to the address on file.
Use the links in the email to remove the block. Please contact support@ultracart.com
or 209-383-9870 for additional help."
UltraCart works hard to ensure your shopping cart has the highest availability possible. This includes preventing denial of service attacks. Sometimes this will result in a merchant's IP address being blocked, especially if there is a lot of web activity within a short period. We apologize for the inconvenience.
IP Block Email Notification with Removal Links
You will receive an automated email that will allow you to unblock your IP.
*If you still need support, please contact us via email and write 'IP Blocked' in the subject for higher priority routing."
When the IP block occurs, an email notification is sent to the email address on file for the user.
The email will have a subject of "UltraCart - Your IP has been Blocked" and will come from "support@ultracart.com":
This email notification contains two hyperlinks to remove the IP block from your user login:
- The first one removes the IP block
- The second one removes the IP block AND then triggers a password reset email in a follow up email message.
*These self-service links allow you to immediately respond to an IP block without having to contact support.
Frequently Asked Questions
Click the FAQ question to reveal the Answer.