Printify Integration

Printify Integration

This article walks through all steps needed to sell Printify items in your store. This includes:

  1. Creating a distribution center transport mechanism to send orders to Printify and receiving tracking numbers from them.

  2. Creating your Printify items within your UltraCart store.

  3. Automatically or manually tying your UltraCart items with Printify items.



Please read the notices and warnings at the bottom of this document. Failure to do so will likely cause frustration and pain in your future.


Printify Shop Import

The easiest way to configure Printify within UltraCart is to use the Printify Import Shop tool. Navigate to:

Home → Items → Tools


Steps for importing your shop

  1. Enter your API Key.

  2. Enter your Shop ID.

  3. Click the Fetch Printify Items button. This will cause the Product Selection section to display.

  4. Enter a new DC code or select an existing distribution center.

  5. Check or uncheck options.

  6. Choose the item folder where new items will create.

  7. Select any products you wish to NOT import.

  8. Adjust the product prefix. The main item will contain the prefix, and the variations will contain the prefix and the variant id. Unless you have a very strong reason for adjusting this value, leave it alone.



You have two choices for distribution center. 1) Allow this tool to create one for you by entering a new code. UltraCart recommends “PRNT” just to keep things simple. But you can choose whatever code you desire. 2) Choose a DC that is already tied to Printify by choosing it in the drop down field.


Skip Variants with no images: If checked, any variants with no images will be skipped and not created as child variations. This will help reduce your item count.

Silently ignore existing items: If checked, any existing items will be silently passed over. This is useful if you wish to import new items to an existing Printify store to avoid losing any fine tuning you've done to your already imported Printify product.

Printify Credentials

The import tool will create your distribution center with proper transport credentials, but if you need to manually update them, they are contained within the transport mechanism screen.

Home → Configuration → Checkout → Shipping → Distribution Centers → Edit your DC → Transmission Mechanism



Manual Printify Item Configuration

To update the UltraCart → Printify relationship for an item, edit the item, then click the Shipping tab, then click the Inventory Control and Distribution button. This screen will display all distribution centers and allow you to provide a sku to map products. The format for Printify's sku is <product id>/<variant id>. Finding these values is impossible with the Printify website, so we provide a mapping tool to assist.


You must have your distribution center (DC) configured with working Printify credentials to use the mapping assistance. The Printify Import Shop tool will do this for you automatically.

Click the question mark next to the Sku field for your Printify distribution center.


Enter a search term, click Search, and then choose the appropriate Printify product.

The sku and stock picking locations are not big enough to display the full values, but they’ll be stored correctly. The stock picking location is a human only field to help you remember what product you selected. It is optional.



Notices and Warnings

  • Adding Printify items will increase your store item count. If you’ve added every color and size to clothing items, this could increase your item count drastically, even bumping you to a higher UltraCart service plan. Please consider the numbers of Printify items in your item inventory and whether their presence justifies any possible service plan increase. Yes Mike, I’m talking to you.

  • The prices for your imported Printify items are the prices Printify provides us. This does not include their shipping cost nor does UltraCart attempt to automatically determine shipping costs realtime from Printify. Their API does not support such calculations. You must address the shipping cost of each item. UltraCart recommends a flat fee for Printify items, or free shipping and an increased item price. The import tool does nothing concerning shipping.

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