Shipment Tracking

Shipment Tracking

Keeping customers informed about the status of their shipment is critical to a smooth e-commerce transaction. UltraCart’s enhanced package tracking system is designed to solve common problems with package tracking by unifying the customer experience, providing enhanced notifications, and enabling SMS communication.


The tracking system comes in two different options:

  • Without SMS (3 cents/shipment)

  • With SMS (5 cents/shipment)

The service begins with a 14-day free trial to experience how this new functionality can enhance your business.

New Functionality

The customer will receive three additional transaction notifications:

  • Expected delivery

  • Out for delivery

  • Delivered


In addition, your customer service representatives will have the integrated tracking information at their finger tips on the view all orders screen. Having this data readily available means faster resolution of customers' shipping related inquiry. Your customer service will have a unified view of USPS, UPS or FedEx tracking information including as shown below.

The enhanced package tracking functionality also enables deeper integrations by providing the three new delivery events to:

Email Templates

Main Menu → Storefronts → Select storefront → (“Communications” section) Transactional Emails



To enable this functionality, navigate to:

Configuration → Checkout → Shipping → Tracking

Configuration For SMS Tracking

Make sure to configure one or both of the “Ship To Phone” fields, in the Required Contact Information configuration page:

Main Menu > Configuration > (middle menu) Checkout > Required Contact Information

If the 'Ship to Phone” fields are not required, then only the orders that the customer provides a ship to phone number will be sent the SMS message, and orders without the Ship To Phone will be skipped (no fee incurred on those orders.)

Example of the OptIn for the SMS notifications


StoreFront Theme Requirements

Your StoreFront must be running one of the following minimum theme versions to use the latest transaction notifications and provide SMS opt-in capabilities on the receipt.


Minimum Version


Minimum Version











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Q) Is there a charge for a shipment that does not have a tracking number?

A) No, only successfully tracked shipments are billed. The customer will not receive the expected delivery, out for delivery or delivered notifications.

Q) Is there a charge for a shipment that does not have a valid tracking number?

A) No, only successfully tracked shipments are billed. The customer will not receive the expected delivery, out for delivery or delivered notifications.

Q) Are there disclosure requirements we are expected to add to the terms of use or on the checkout page itself that need to be given to tell people about SMS. For example in our opt in marketing SMS list we have to say “Data and message rates may apply. You will receive 4 msgs/mo. Text STOP to Opt Out or HELP for help.”?

A) Since these notifications are not marketing related, with only SMS messaging related to a specific purchase shipment status, the disclosure requirement is minimal. The SMS messages do respond to the STOP commend in a reply. There is an “opt-in” link in the receipt that appears in the browser at the end of the checkout, and the receipt content is editable, should you wish to customize it.

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