Preferences for Shipments to Specific Locations

Preferences for Shipments to Specific Locations

Preferences for Shipments to Specific Locations


HomeConfiguration → (middle menu) Checkout → Shipping → (middle menu) Distribution Centers → Location Preferences

By default each distribution center (DC) can ship to anywhere around the globe. UltraCart will select the distribution center that is the shortest distance away from the customer as long as there is available inventory for all the items in the order in the DC.  (UltraCart will by default attempt to maintain a single shipment. Split shipments occur only when each item in a order is available only from separate DC's.) There may be circumstances where you have a distribution center that can only serve a particular set of places. For instance you may have a Canadian distribution center that is only meant to handle Canadian orders. Using preferences you can enforces these types of restrictions.

Additionally, you can configure rules that preference, or not, a distribution center based on whether or not the order contains upsell items.

Configuring Location Preferences

If you have no preferences defined, you will be presented with a drop-down list to choose the location preference rule you wish to enforce:

If the configured preference is based upon having an upsell item or not then the only configuration option is the rule itself.

If the preference is a location based rule, then you'll also be presented with the location based configuration fields: Country, State, & Postal Codes:

Preference field:
Select one of the three choices from the drop-down menu:

  • No service to
  • Preferred service if upsells
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  • Preferred service if no upsells 
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  • Preferred service to
  • Service only to

Country Field:
Select the Country from the drop down menu.

State field:
Enter the State or States desired in the text box.(optional)

Postal Code
Enter the Postal Code into the text box.

When entering multiple postal codes, enter them one per line.

Once you have completed your configuration for Location Preference, click the "Save" button. You will be returned to the Distribution Center screen where you preferences will be shown.

To create another preference, click the "new" button and repeat the process. To delete a preference, click on the "Delete" button. To change a preference, click the Edit button.

Related documentation

Routing Orders Based Upon Upsells Using Distribution Center Location Preferences

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