Multi Currency

Multi Currency

Multi-Currency Configuration page

Multi-Currency configuration allows the customer to change their shopping cart into their native currency via a hyperlink displayed in the shopping cart table.


Home  Configuration(checkout)  (Choose: "Advanced View")Multi-Currency


We recommend merchants changing their base currency from USD to fully test it out against your gateway.

  • Your payment gateway must support the base currency if it is not USD.
  • You are responsible for performing complete end to end testing of your e-Commerce store to make sure everything works properly with a non-USD base currency before going live!
  • Some features inside UltraCart may still display a dollar sign even after you change your base currency to a Non-USD setting.

Base Currency Code

The Base Currency Code is the default currency used in the display of your shopping cart.

There are presently 13 available currencies:

  1. AUD
  2. CAD
  3. CHF
  4. EUR
  5. GBP
  6. JPY
  7. MXN
  8. NZD
  9. RUB
  10. SGD
  11. TRY
  12. USD
  13. BRL

Allow Customer Selectable Currency

Selecting the Allow Customer Selectable Currency check box will add to the shopping cart a drop down list that will allow the customer to change the currency to any of the other available currencies.

Enable Item Level Currency

When this checkbox is selected, the item editor will have a drop down box to select the currency to be assigned to the item. The drop down menu field will appear to the right of the cost field.

Using the CurrencyCode parameter on buy links and buy forms

Using CurrencyCode on buy links/ buy form code

You can also manually assign a currency code via the "CurrencyCode" parameter.

Example on a buy link URL assigning the Australian dollar "AUD":


Same example using the buy form code, using a hidden input field:

  <input type="hidden" name="CurrencyCode" value="AUD" />



Change Cart to Match Currency of First Item

When this checkbox is selected the behavior of the shopping cart will be to use the currency assigned to the first item added to the cart to the rest of the items added to the shopping cart.

The Multi-Currency feature is new and is considered Beta.

Therefore, we recommend merchants changing from USD setting at this time, do so by fully testing it out against your gateway.

  • Your payment gateway must support the base currency if it is not USD.
  • You are responsible for performing complete end to end testing of your e-Commerce store to make sure everything works properly with a non-USD base currency before going live!
  • Some features inside UltraCart may still display a dollar sign even after you change your base currency to a Non-USD setting.

(The daily currency conversion feed is provided by XE.com)

Impact of Multi Currency on Reporting

When you set the base currency of your UltraCart account as shown above.
Then no matter what currency the customer chooses to see during the checkout, everything is converted to the base currency for reporting. So if you are selling in USD and your merchant account charges in USD, then your base currency should be USD and your reporting will be USD. Generally speaking the base currency code for the UltraCart account will be whatever your merchant account and financial institution is transacting in. 

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