Legacy Sales Tax

Legacy Sales Tax

This page details how to use the Legacy Sales Tax interface within UltraCart.  This interface was replaced Nov, 2018.

Please visit the Sales Tax documentation for instruction on using the current configuration screens. 

 Tax Rates, Taxable Address, Automatic Exemption and Tax Tools are discussed in this section.

Tax Rates

UltraCart allows you to configure the appropriate tax rates for your geographic location. When an order is placed, the tax rate is calculated as the sum of all tax rates matched by the tax location. For example, if you specify a county tax rate of 1%, a city tax rate of 1%, and a state tax rate of 5%, then a customer in that city will be charged a tax rate of 7%. In order to allow you maximum flexibility, UltraCart utilizes a hierarchical tax structure system. You can specify tax rates at any level of the hierarchy.

Each level (screen) displays two parts; upper and lower. The upper portion displays the information you are editing. The lower portion of the screen displays the next level in the hierarchy. For example, if you are at the Country level, the top half of the screen will display the country that you selected to edit from the previous screen (Tax Rate Configuration) and the lower half displays a listing of the States (if any).


Although you can configure a tax rate for a Country, State, County, City and Postal Code all in succession, the following explains the setup in a one-at-a-time fashion (saving data as you go) to allow the first-time user an opportunity to become familiar with each of the steps.  To begin, navigate to:


The first field to configure in the Tax Rate configuration screen is the Country. The message “There are no countries configured” will be displayed until you add your first Country.

Once you click the New Country button the following screen will appear.