


Folders are the primary organizational mechanism that merchants have at their disposal. In this section we will discuss the creating new folders, creating new sub-folders, and editing or deleting folders.

When you first begin, there is one folder already created named Filing Cabinet. You cannot make any changes to this folder. This is where all your store items will appear until you create other folders.

If your store has few items, then folder creation might not be necessary. Your store items will probably list satisfactorily under the one folder heading "Filing Cabinet" which is already created for you.
If your store has numerous items, UltraCart supports the creation of any number of folders and sub-folders to provide a very flexible hierarchy. It is very common for merchants to create some high-level product category folders and then more specific sub-category folders. Another common scheme is to create folders for each of the manufacturers that a merchant sells.

New Folder

To create a folder, click on the "new" button below the Folders Heading. The Add/Edit Folder screen will appear.

Enter the Description (name) of the folder in the text box. Click on the "Submit" button to save. Newly created folders will be listed under the Filing Cabinet. In our example below we created six new folders.

Create Sub Folders

You can nest sub-folders as deep as you want but nesting beyond 2 or 3 levels can make things a bit more complex. The deeper your folders go the further you have to drill down to list the store items in them.

Click on the "+ sub-folder" button adjacent to the folder you want to create the sub-folder in. The Add/Edit screen will again appears. Enter the name in the box provided and click the submit button. In the example below we named the folder "Tiny Accessories".

The above figure illustrates a three level folder hierarchy; Filing Cabinet/ Accessories/Tiny Accessories. Since the Filing Cabinet already existed, we only had to create an Accessories Folder and then the Tiny Accessories within.

Notice that the newly created folder name is a clickable link. By clicking on that link, any sub folders within will be listed. Also, the section below the folders will list the Items in that folder. The section to the right of the folders will show any kits that have been configured. Items and kits are discussed later.

In the following example we've clicked (selected) the Accessories folder. The Filing Cabinet, the Accessories Folder and its sub folders will be the only folders visible. We can now see the items within the Accessories folder and a Kit in the Kits for Accessories section. Keep in mind that the Kits and Items sections will display the contents of the folder that is selected (bold highlight).

You can create as many folders as you like at any level and each will have their own edit, delete and + sub-folder buttons. Navigate up and down the hierarchy levels by clicking on the folder name (link).

Editing Folders

To edit the name of a folder, simply click the "edit" link to the right of the folder name. The Add/Edit Screen will appear. Change the name and click the "Submit" button.

Deleting Folders

To delete a folder, simply click the "delete" button to the right of the folder. A warning dialog will appear to allow you to confirm the delete operation.

Be sure the dialog box shows the Folder name you intend to delete. Click the "OK" button to carry out the deletion or the "Cancel" button to abort.
Deleting a folder causes all sub-folders and store items to be deleted as well. Use extreme caution when deleting entire folders.