Configuring PayPal at UltraCart

Configuring PayPal at UltraCart

To configure PayPal as a payment method, navigate to:

Configuration → Checkout → Payments

If you already have an older version of PayPal configured within UltraCart , visit the upgrade guide to take advantage of the latest features and payment methods available:

Configuration → Checkout → Payments


After clicking the Payments button (3 in the screenshot above), you'll see the following screen: 

Clicking on Connect will take you to PayPal to connect your PayPal account


You’ll be redirected to the following PayPal Screen to connect your PayPal Account (you’ll be redirected back to UltraCart once the process is completed):

Connecting your existing account

If you’re attempting to connect a personal account you’ll see this dialog. If you choose to create a new business account (as opposed to converting your Personal account to a Business account) you’ll be redirected back to the start of the process and use a new email address (not already associated with a PayPal account) to create a new business account.

Creating a new PayPal account

If you don’t already have a PayPal account, you’ll be directed to a form to create a new PayPal account


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