Call Centers

Call Centers


Configure popular call centers to take orders for you and import them into UltraCart.


Home Configuration CallCenters


Custom (Generic)Configure call center and/or order import, using one of the three API's (Channel Partner API)

Custom Call Center

Simply Click "New" to create a new custom Call Center integration.

After clicking "New" you will see the following configuration page.

Field NameDescription
CodeThis is the custom code used to identify the Call Center (Limited to 5 characters)
NameName of the Call Center
FTP Password

The password for the FTP if used (Optional)


This is to set the CVV2 as a optional Field (Recommended)

Skip Customer Email

This will skip any emails to the customer that would normally come from UltraCart

Ignore Arbitrary Unit CostThis will ignore any override cost on the items for Auto order items 
Skip Tax Recording in Avalara and TaxJarWill simply skip the collection of sales tax within those two providers.

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