Inventory Planning Report


The Inventory Planning Report provides a breakdown of the inventory settings and inventory allocation details for each item sold during the specified reporting period(s). 

The spreadsheet contains the following columns"

  • Item ID
  • Description
  • Inventory
  • Allocated to PO
  • Allocated to SC
  • Available to Allocate
  • Pre-order
  • Track Inventory Shipped (for reporting date range)
  • Sales (for reporting date range)


Operations → Reporting → ("Reports" section) → Inventory Planning Report

Running the Report

To run the report enter the begin and ending dates then click the "Generate Report" button:

***NOT Schedule-able

This report is NOT schedule-able

Report Pickup

This report should run immediately, prompting you to either open or save the file (it may download to a specified folder automatically depending on how you may have previously responded to the browser prompts in the past.)