Projected Sales with LTV Cap Report

Projected Sales with LTV Cap Report


The Projected Sales with LTV Cap report provides a breakdown of the long term value of your auto order items.

This report will project forward starting with the May of 2022.

The spreadsheet will provide multiple worksheets:

  1. Overall - An overall projection summary of the average lifetime sales.

  2. Index - An index of of all the auto order items.

  3. Auto Order Item - A separate worksheet summarizing each auto order item

  4. By_Order_Id - A summary of the orders sorted by orderID.

  5. Item_Rebill_Value - Provides the rebill value for each item.


Description of Each Worksheet

Below is a description for the columns in each worksheet.


The first worksheet overall provides the summary of the projected average rebills for all auto order items that will occur in future months.


This worksheet provides a breakdown for each auto order item.
This worksheet has two columns: Item ID & Rebill Value.
The Rebill Value represents the projected average lifetime rebill for the item.

Auto Order Item

There will be a separate worksheet for each auto order item that has active rebills.

This worksheet has two columns: Rebill Month & Rebill Value.
The Rebill Value represents the projected average lifetime rebill for the item.

By Order Id

This worksheet provides a list of all rebills listed by original order Id.





original order id

The original order Id for each active auto order.

original item id

The original purchase item.

rebill dts

A list of projected rebill dates for the active auto order.

rebill item id

The rebill item for the active auto order.

rebill value


rebill value with ltv cap


Item Rebill Value

The last worksheet provides a historical breakdown of the historical rebill value for all auto order items in the account.

There are two columns in this worksheet: Original Item Id & Rebill Value.

The Rebill Value represents the lifetime rebill value for the auto order item.