Projected Auto Order Sales report


The "Project Auto Order Sales" report provides a snapshot of scheduled auto order rebills. 

With this report you'll specify a date some point into the future and the generated report will show each auto order that is scheduled to run during the reporting period.

The generated spreadsheet contains multiple worksheets:

1st Worksheet: "Projected Auto Orders Sales"

  • Original Item ID
  • Rebill Item ID
  • Units (sold)
  • Total Sales (Gross $ amount)

2nd Worksheet: "Summary by Week and Month"

  • Original Item ID
  • Rebill Item ID
  • Units (sold)
  • Total Sales (Gross $ amount)

(* = Partially completed time period.)

3rd Worksheet: "Customers on Auto Order Report"

  • Order ID
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Email 
  • Next Shipment (Date: mm/dd/yyyy)
  • Next Attempt (Date: mm/dd/yyyy)
  • Next Item ID


Operations → Reporting → ("Reports" section) → Projected Auto Order Sales report

Running the Report

To run the report enter the future date you wish to see the scheduled orders, then click the "Generate Report" button:

***NOT Schedule-able

This report is NOT schedule-able

Report Pickup

This report may not run immediately, it that situation, you'll be directed to the report pickup location: