Upsell Report

Legacy Screen

This is a legacy report for the legacy upsell after offers. For storefront upsells, please see the statistic in the StoreFront Upsells screen.


Operations → Reporting → ("Reports" section) → Upsell Report


The Upsell report is a comprehensive report details in the breakdown of the upsells triggered, with a column for each day of the reporting period. the rows provide the following details for each days upsells:

Sales Info (section)

  • Total Product Revenue
  • Total Shipping Revenue
  • Total Tax Revenue
  • Total Revenue
  • Total Upsell Revenue

Order Info (section)

  • Total Orders
  • BEOE Orders
  • Auto Order Rebills
  • Orders Through Upsell Path
  • Orders With Upsells
  • Upsell Percentage
  • Avg. Revenue

Products Sold (section)
* = Includes Upsell Units

Upsell Products Sold (section)

Orders With Number of Upsells (section)

Number of Orders By Path (section)

Report Pickup

Upon running the report you may encounter the following message about navigating to the report pickup area to download the completed report:

Report Pickup

The generated report will stay in the report pickup for 30 days or until deleted by the user.

Viewing the Downloaded report