Pick Report

Picking and packing is the process of locating and pulling product from inventory and packing it into shipment containers to fill a customer order.  Fulfillment Centers (also known as Distribution Centers), typically have set prices for First Pick then a different price for each Additional Pick.  

This built in "Pick" Report will provide the merchant the ability to configure the Pick Prices they obtain from their fulfillment center and run the report with their desired date range. Merchants can even give their Fulfillment Center (personnel) access to the Reporting section of their back office so they can run the periodic reports.  Wait, we're not done.  You can also "schedule" reports to run daily, weekly or monthly and be automatically sent via email to any individual(s) you specify. 

To generate your report you'll need to make several selections to filter the information. 

A. Enter the from/to date range desired or alternatively, click one of the Date Range shortcuts.
B. Enter your First Pick Cost, Each Additional Pick Cost and International Order Fee (optional).
C. Select your Distribution Center from the drop-down field. Your active DC's will be listed;  pick one.
D. Click the Schedule Report check box if desired (explained later).
E. Click the Generate Report button.

Sample configured Pick Report with Schedule (all four of the fields in the Schedule Report section are required).

Date Ranges

There are only two dates to be entered;

  • From (starting date) and 
  • To (ending date).  This tells the system the reporting period you want to see.

Common Date Ranges (shortcuts)

To the right of the date fields are some Common Date Ranges shortcuts. Consider this optional method for entering your date range to save some typing.  Simply click the link from one of the following rows to have the data range entered automatically.:

  • Recent - click Today or Yesterday
  • Days ago - click 7, 30, 90, or 365
  • This Year - click MTD, QTD or YTD
  • Last year row.- click MTD, QTD or YTD

Generate Report

Click the Generate Report button once you have finished entering the Date Range and any optional settings. If the report date range is short, you may see the report generated and available immediately.  If not, you may receive a Report Pickup notice (see below).  The following is an example of the Pick Report with very short date range settings. .

Sample results of Pick Report in worksheet.

Report Pickup

If a report that you've created covers a large date range you can expect some wait time.  You'll be notified by email if there is a delay and will be told that you can obtain the report in the Report Pickup area. If a smaller date range, the report may download immediately. 

Click here for more about the Report Pickup.