Item Gross Margin Report

Item Gross Margin Report


Item Gross Margin Report provides a spreadsheet breakdown with the following columns:

  • Catalog Group
  • Item #
  • Description,Total

The report will provide a summary with these details:

  • Subtotal
  • Shipping, Total
  • COGS, Gross Margin
  • Gross Margin %
  • Units Sold


Operations Reporting → ("Reports" section) Item Gross Margin report

Running the Report

To run the report enter the begin and ending dates then click the "Generate Report" button:


This report can be scheduled for automated emailing to one or more recipients by selecting the "Schedule report" checkbox option.

Report Pickup

This report should run immediately, prompting you to either open or save the file (it may download to a specified folder automatically depending on how you may have previously responded to the browser prompts in the past.)

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