Checkout Payment Options

Options Tab, Payments configuration, Charge during Checkout.

The Options tab, the third tab of the Payments configuration screen, allows you to configure the charge during checkout properties used to manage the customer purchase experience. You are able to turn on or off the Charge during Checkout settings, and also define the conditions which will result in a captured order, as well as white-list IP addresses of external order forms.

Home → Configuration → Payments → Options [tab]

Charge During Checkout

The charge during checkout setting allows you to specify whether or not UltraCart will attempt to charge the customer's card before the transaction is completed. There are pros and cons for each method, so please review carefully the information provided before making a decision.

By default, UltraCart is set to Charge During Checkout = "Yes" with a capture on failure after the third attempt, which will allow you to review the decline responses by reviewing the order from the Accounts Receivables department.

Charge During Checkout - NO

To have the credit card processed in the Accounts Receivable Section check the "No" button. 

Tab-Charge During Checkout – "NO"

Importance of having CC gateway integration

PCI compliance is an important part of your online store, and requires that you and your vendors, such as UltraCart and your payment gateway, work together to make sure that each step in the payment process is performed with the appropriate controls and safeguards.  To this end, your merchant account provider/gateway may require you to submit proof of PCI Compliance.  As part of our regular and ongoing compliance with the safeguards related to PCI regulations, the ultracart user interface has been changed to prohibit access to the complete credit card number. This change eliminates liability related to unintended exposure of sensitive credit card details that could lead to misuse and abuse of your customers credit card information.

A credit card processing gateway is required in order to process the credit card payments for the placed orders:
Credit Card Processing Transaction Gateway Integration list 


Charge During Checkout - YES

To charge the credit card in real-time during the checkout process, check the "Yes" button. Then click on the "Save" button at the bottom of the screen. You will return to the Configuration Menu.

If the credit card fails during checkout, an error message is displayed to the customer and they have an opportunity to enter a new credit card number. If the credit card transaction gateway returns an approval code, then the order is placed and immediately moved to the shipping department. Due to restrictions that prevent the storing the CVV number in databases that contain the rest of the credit card billing details, it's recommended that real-time processing take place, and that Charge During Checkout be set to "Yes" in order to allow for the most complete authorization (AVS & CVV rules applied).

Charge During Checkout Features Optional 


  • After ___ attempts at processing the payment collect the order information and store in accounts receivable.

This setting is configured by default on new accounts to 3 attempts, which allows the customer to receive a couple of decline responses then review and resubmit their order before being captured to a receipt and the order moving into the A/R department for your review of the transaction attempt responses from the credit card gateway. If left blank, and a customer is either providing incorrect billing details or the gateway is otherwise unable to respond with a recognized approval code, they will not be able to finalize the order to a receipt. Also, decline attempts against a valid credit card number create temporary holds against the available credit on the card, which last typically 2-3 business days, So, if this field is left blank, then the customer could end up will these held/available credit deductions for as many attempts as they try to finalize the order until they give up, which can cause customer support headaches, so we recommend configuring this setting to either 3 or 4 attempts.

Customer Perspective Of The Payment

If the order is captured after the specified number of failed authorization attempts, the customer receives their receipt for the placed order. While the receipt does not directly make reference to the the final transaction authorization attempt, the receipt itself may be interpreted by the customer as being proof of an successful payment. You can alter the default settings in regard to the emailed receipt and also to the test displayed in the receipt provided in the customers web browser to make things more transparent. See the following for more details:
Tutorial - Transparent payment processing status of placed orders



Immediate Finalize Security


Charge During Checkout - Immediate Finalize Security