UltraCart Test Gateway

UltraCart Test Gateway


Only certain gateways allow for a "test" mode, which means you can only use a valid credit card, and real funds are processed. UltraCart has created a new test transaction gateway, selectable from the Transaction Gateways tab on the Payments Configuration screen. This gateway behaves like a real gateway, allowing you to completely test the system's functionality.

To use the gateway, simply select it from the Transaction Gateways screen, and enter your Merchant ID. Select the payment types you want the gateway to handle, and press "Save".

Now, when you place a test purchase, you can use any valid credit card number, and UltraCart will automatically approve the transaction and assign a random authorization ticket number. If you do not want to use a real credit card number, you can use this test Visa card number instead: 4444-3333-2222-1111.

To simulate a credit card decline, you must use this Visa card number:

To simulate an e-check decline, use this account number: 9999999.

Important! Turn off the UltraCart Test Gateway before you go live with your store. 

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