Accounts Receivable

Accounts Receivable

Account Receivable

The Accounts Receivable section allows you to review and manage orders that have not completed the payment process.

 It allows you to quickly process all outstanding orders. You can select orders individually or in batches. For individual order, simply click on the hyperlinked "Order ID" to view the full invoice details for that order. To processing the payment scroll down to the payment section that appears below the invoice. If you have multiple orders that need processing, you can use the check boxes along the left side of the A/R order list to select multiple credit card payment type orders and then process them for payment. Other payment types that are not processed against your configured credit card payment gateway should be processed individually.

You should notice right away that there are payment methods on the right hand side. Currently they are rendered in Alphabetical Order by Payment Method. These will be different depending on what payment methods you have configured in your account and on what payment methods your customers used when placing the order.

Also notice at the bottom of your page are Four boxes in different colors. Orders are cross-checked as they come into Accounts Receivable and then highlighted accordingly. You can then easily move large numbers of orders instead of having to research each one. For instance, you can quickly select and "reject" all the orders that are highlighted as Test Order to clean up the spreadsheet. 

View Order Details

You can view the details and process a single order simply by clicking (once) on the appropriate order id.

Record Grouping

Record Grouping

In the "configure report" page (accessible by clicking the "configure report" button) you are able to configure the report with "order grouping".

IF configured with order grouping, you'll see a red message stating:

" * You have configured a grouping/summary. Table sorting is disabled when grouping is present."

To revert back to the normal ordering by orderID, click the "Configure report" button then choose none in the "record Grouping" drop-down list. Then save changes.

Section Name


Configure Report

This allows you to configure the display of information within the Accounts Receivable page.


At any given time you can "refresh" the Accounts Receivable screen by clicking on the "Refresh" button.

Authorize Orders

This attempts to process any orders that have been selected


This will download an XML file that contains the information for the orders selected.

Print Orders

This will dynamically generate a PDF document containing one order per page.

Print Invoices

This will dynamically generate a PDF invoice document containing one order per page that can be mailed to the customer.

Resend Receipt

This will simply resend a copy of the receipt to the customers email.


This will make the order as rejected and remove it from Account Receivable.

Delete Test Orders

This will delete any and all test order currently in Account Receivable. These orders will be highlighted in blue.

*Print Draft Checks

UltraCart allows merchants who do not have an e-check gateway to accept e-check orders through the use of draft check printing.

Authorizing Orders

Authorizing orders in the Accounts receivables department will differ depending on the payment type. 

Authorizing Credit Card Payments

Batch Authorization for Credit Card orders

Orders with Credit Card as the payment type can be batch authorized, using the "Authorize Orders". 

All other payment types are processed one-at-a-time.

Batch Authorization Processing

Select the credit card orders using the checkbox in the left-hand column, then click the "Authorize orders" button to process the payment authorizations for the selected orders.

Only Credit Card transactions can be batch authorized. Any other payment method will need to be authorized within the individual order itself.

You'll be presented three actions regarding the payment authorization for each of the selected orders, along with a a merchant notes field: 

The action will default to "Process" for each order that returns a successful authorization.
You'll have the option to choose to either 'Reject' or 'Do nothing' for the orders that do not return a successful authorization.

Authorizing Individual Orders


All payments types support individual order processing. Credit card payments will be processed via the integrated credit card processing gateway, while other forms payment must be manually "approved", such as paper check payments, purchase orders, etc.

To authorize individual orders, click on the hyperlinked Order ID, then scroll down below the orders to the "Payment" section, and depending on the payment type click the Process Payment" or "Authorized" button, depending on real-time authorization is enabled or not.

Credit Card Processing

When processing the payment of an individual order, you'll be prompted to choose between the following options:

Processing OptionDescription

Process Payment

Click this button to initiate the payment authorization for the order.

Reject Order

Click to move the order to rejected orders location. 
Skip Payment ProcessingATTENTION: Click this option ONLY if you have determined that no payment is needed for the order and you still want the order to processed to the Shipping Department for order fulfillment.
Capture Authorization

"The Authorize.Net transaction was declined due to AVS/CVV, but there is an authorization on the card. You can review the details of this order, prior customer history, etc. and determine if the risk/reward of processing this payment is reasonable. To capture the authorization, click the button below."

*This option appears only when the gateway is Authorize.net

Custom Tags

The new Custom tag system allow you to create your own custom legend for the different stages an order could go thought depending on the process you or your customer service representatives go though. This can be anything from tags for different users so that a user can take ownership of an order while it is waiting to be processed. Or different stages if a customer needs to be called back or emailed.

To configure a custom tag simply click on the text for "Configure Tags Here".


This will open the Configuration screen to create your custom tags.

Simply fill in the field with the desired tag name and select the color drop down to assign a color. This can be any of the default colors provided, with the color picker or with a  hex color code as shown below.

Once you have your different tags and colors configured simply Save Changes to be taken back to Account Receivable.

Now that you have a tag configured it will be displayed at the bottom of the page with the color selected and the tag name. 

Assigning a Tag to an order

You should now have a column within the headline of Tag, to add a tag to an order simply right click on the column for the order. It will be slightly highlighted as shown below.

After right clicking on the column for the order in question a select popup will be displayed. This will allow you to assign a new tag to an order, change the tag on an order or remove the tag altogether.

If we click on the tag name we will be taken back to the Accounts Receivable screen where it has been assigned to the order and the display has been updated.

There is currently no limit to the number of tags you can create, however you can only create 10 tags at a time. You will need to save your changes and come back to add more tags.

Related Documentation

Reviewing the Fraud Score of an Order

Accounts Receivable Retry

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