Review Order

Review Order

Review Order Screen

The Review Order screen is the individual order view of your order records.


 Operations → Order Management →  View All Orders (in any stage) → Then Select a specific order

Review order view

The review order view will display the action button along the top of the page, followed by the Current view of the order:

Performing Actions

Actions against a single order may be done by clicking  the appropriate button.

Action Group






customer information

This button allows you to edit the billing, shipping, coupons, taxes, items, and other attributes about the order.



This button takes you straight to the item editing for the order. It's provided as a shortcut




chargeback dispute

If you have configured UltraCart to handle chargeback processing, this will initiate the dispute process.


complete refund

Start the refund process out with a complete refund of the order. This is typically used when an order is returned and the merchant wants to provide a 100% refund.


complete refund (then reject)

Start the refund process out with a complete refund of the order, but when the refund is successful reject the order at the same time. This button is typically used to refund the customer and cancel the order right after a customer has placed it and changes their mind.


partial refund

Initiates the refund process. The merchant will decide how much of the order is refunded.


remove buySAFE bond

Removes the bond from the order and cancels it with buySAFE. This button should only be used if the payment has not been processed. If the payment has already been processed then the partial refund button should be use to refund just the bond.


resend receipt

Resends the receipt email to the customer


transaction history

View all the transaction history records stored by UltraCart. This is where you can find the gateway transaction ids, etc.





Reprints a PDF of the order. Useful for accounting purposes.


packing slip

Reprints a PDF of the packing slip.


reprint labels

Reprints any labels generated through label servers like Express1.com as a PDF file. Use this if the printer acts up and destroys the original copy.




packing solution

Provides a copy of the packing solution so the merchant can see how UltraCart recommends packing the order. Useful for large shipments and troubleshooting configurations.


resend shipment confirmation

Resends the shipment configuration email to the customer including any tracking numbers that have been entered.


retransmit to dist. center

If the order is being handled by a fulfillment house, this button will resend the order to the fulfillment house.




cancel auto order

Cancels any auto order that this order is associated with. This does not have to be the original order in the sequence.


auto order

Takes the user to the auto order editor if one is associated with this order.


copy order

Allows copying of the order.


copy to new cart

Generates an HTTP link for a new cart with the same contents and information as this order.


copy to short link

Generates a bit.ly shortened HTTP link for a new cart with the same contents and information as this order.


ebay Data

If this order is associated with eBay, this button will display all the XML information received from eBay to generate the order. This is good for troubleshooting any eBay orders.


digital delivery reset

Reset the download counters for the order and resend the customer a new download link.


digital delivery report

A report of the download attempts for this order.


establish fraud filter

Sets up new fraud filters based upon the credit card information, address information, and IP address of the customer.


assign to affiliate

Associate this order with a specified affiliate.


remove from affiliate

Remove the commission for this order from the associated affiliate.


replacement shipment

Initiates a replacement shipment based upon this order.


resend EDI confirmation

Resends advanced shipment notices (ASN) and invoices to the EDI trading partner associated with this order.

Payment Status

The order list has a Payment Status column, below is a description of the various statuses listed in that column:

UnprocessedPlaced order in either Pre-orders or Accounts Receivables (or marked as 'skip payment processing from A/R department)
AuthorizedPlaced order that has a credit card authorization but has not performed the capture the pending authorization. Typically this has to do with the "Auth then Capture" authorization model, in which the authorization occurs during the initial payment of the order and the capture occurs when the order is marked as shipped in the shipping department.

A placed order of a payment type that requires either manual or automatic approval, such as:

  • Cash
  • Check
  • Purchase Order

An order sent to the A/R due to the payment being declined.

Decline related settings

See also:
Payments#MethodsCreditCardPaymentSettings the "After Failed Attempts __ at processing the payment collect the order information and store in accounts receivable." field determine the number of attempts during checkout before the order is captured with declined status.

Also, if you have upsell after offers configured, orders captured during an auto closing of an upsell after can be designated as declined: Upsell After


Quote ReceivedAn order was created using the "Quotation" selection during checkout, which is awaiting review and approval.(See Quotes Tutorial)
Quote SentThe received quote has been reviewed and sent by the merchant back to the customer. (See Quotes Tutorial)
ProcessedA placed order that has been processed for payment.
Processed (Pending Clearance)A placed order paid via Amazon Payments in which the order has been authorized and is awaiting the instant payment notification that the payment has cleared. (see FAQ about Amazon Payments#Q:WhydoAmazonPaymentordersgointopendingclearance?)

Either a "Partial Refund" or "Complete Refund" was performed form the Review Orders page.


Order has been marked as rejected by one of the following ways:

  • The "Rejected" button was clicked, from the A/R or Shipping departments 
  • The "Complete Refund (then reject)" was performed
  • The order was manually edited using the edit "Customer Information" button located when reviewing the order, then navigating to the "Other" tab of the order editor and selecting "Rejected Orders" in the "New Location" drop down menu and clicking the move button.

About Rejected Orders

Rejected order are retained for 1 year only, regardless of the Order Retention configuration.


Order has been marked as Skipped by one of the following ways:

  • The "Skip payment processing" button was clicked from the A/R department 
  • The "Replacement Shipment" button was clicked from the order review order slideshow

Payment Status

The Payment Statuses are hard coded to the various payment types and related order processing steps and are not directly editable by the merchant.


 Related Documentation

Review Orders

Order Management Tutorials

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