Back End Order Entry (BEOE) v2

Back End Order Entry (BEOE) v2

This page describes how a merchant may enter orders using the back end secure.ultracart.com.

Change Log

  • Added an additional permission requirement to the Customer REST API. It's called "REST Customer Profiles". The change was implemented to address a concern of having third party call centers using the BEOE. With it, they could perform wildcard searches and access a merchant's entire customer database. Without this permission, the BEOE still works, but the customer search will not.
  • When a item is added with free promotional items, the free items are automatically added as well.


The Back End Order Entry (referred to as BEOE hereafter) is a web application allowing merchants to enter orders for customers.  It is commonly used for phone and email orders and is popular among call centers.

Launching the BEOE

The BEOE is a web application and runs without plugins in any modern browser.

Navigate to:


You need a modern browser to use this web application properly.  

Consider visiting http://browsehappy.com/ and comparing your browser to their list.  If you are using an old browser, please upgrade.

UltraCart Support will not respond to issues caused by old browsers. If you find an issue that cannot be replicated on a browser listed on browse happy, it will not be addressed.



There are three User Permissions that govern the use of the BEOE tool.

  1. Back End Order Entry - allows a user to run the BEOE tool.
  2. Edit Order - allows a user to edit an order.
  3. REST Customer Profiles - allows a user to run wildcard searches against the customer database.

1 & 2 are required to use the BEOE.  

#3 above is a new permission as of 7/24/13, created to address the issue of allowing a call center full access to a merchant's customer database through wildcard searches.

If a user lacks REST Customer Profiles, they can still link an email to a profile (this is the little chain link icon that appears next to an email).  However, they cannot perform searches.


The BEOE does not handle the following:

  • Auto Order Items (except Auto Upsell)
  • Gift Certificates
  • Affiliate Transactions
  • Special Shipping Instructions
  • PayPal Orders

Important Reminders

  • Calculate your shipping!  There are many fields that affect shipping.  Before you finalize your order, consider re-calculating your shipping to ensure it's accurate.  
  • The BEOE does not keep field values if you navigate away from the page.  If you start an order, get half way through, and accidentally hit the back button, you'll probably lose your work.  The BEOE is self contained and there is no need to navigate away from the page while entering orders.

Ways to start an Order

New Order

When the BEOE is opened, you should be presented with a new (blank) order form.  If not, click the New button at the top left of the screen to begin

Clone Order

To clone an existing order, click the Clone button.  A Search form will appear below the Clone button where you may search and select an order to clone.  You can search by Email, Order ID, First Name, Last Name or Company Name.

If found the Search will display a list of matching orders.  You will have three actions you can take for each result.  You may view the order, clone it entirely, or clone it minus items.

Order Templates

Order templates were designed to pre-populate fields quickly.  They are used heavily by merchants with physical stores taking walk in's. The templates allow them to fill out most fields with "in store" details and quickly record a sale.

Creating a Template

Creating a template is easy.  At whatever point you're satisfied with the information you've entered and wish to create a template, click the Save as Template button at the bottom of the screen.   Give the template a short name and you're done.  

The newly created template will appear at the top of the screen as a button.

You may have up to 5 templates.

Using a Template

To use a template, just click the template button.

Deleting a Template

Click Edit Templates at the top of the screen, select the template you wish to delete, and click the Delete Selected button.    If you need to change a template, delete it and re-save it.

Item Management

Manual Entry

To add a single item to an order, use the entry field on the main item table.

As you type, the BEOE will search for matching items.  A list will appear below the field with a relevancy score and description.  Click on an item from the list to select it.   

Hitting enter in the Item ID field will add the item with a default quantity of 1. This is a quick way to add an item.

Adding Multiple Items at once

To add multiple items at once, click the Add Multiple Items button above the Item table.  From there, enter the items and click Apply

This is a legacy feature from version 1. It used to be a lot quicker than adding a single item one at a time. It's not so much anymore. The single add is much faster. You may use the multiple add field if you like, but it's not a tremendous time saver.

Item Search

Item search provides "look-up as you type" searching for items displaying a larger table of results.  This screen is useful if you have long item descriptions.

Quick Items

Editing Quick Items

Click the Edit Quick Items button at the top of the screen.  A panel will display allowing you to add or remove quick items.  You may define multiple quick items for the same item using different quantities.  This is very popular with merchant at trade shows who are selling a few items in different quantities.

Using Quick Items

  • Click the Quick Items button.
  • Select one or more Quick Items.  They will turn green when selected.
  • Click the Add Selected button to add those items to the cart.

Customer Management

Search for an Existing Customer

To create an order tied to an existing customer, click the Customer Search button at the top of the screen.

Enter your search criteria and click the search button to find the customer.  One or more listings (if found) will be displayed. 

Click to select the appropriate one. 

Selecting a Customer Profile Address

Most customers will have more than one address.  After activating a customer profile,the addresses button will appear above the shipping and billing sections.

Clicking an Address button will list all addresses associated with a customer profile.  Click an address to load it into the order.

Address Standardization

In the Billing Address and Shipping Address section, the blue 'S' Button to the right of the Address 1 field, is the "Standardize" button. Clicking this button will open a popup window that will show the address as entered and the suggested address based on the U.S.P.S. Address Standardization API. You can use this to update the enters address to match the way it appears in the U.S.P.S. database. 

The Standardize pop-up will appear like this:

Smart linking by Email

Simply using an existing customer's email is not enough to activate their profile! You must explicitly activate the customer. This is done to protect you, the merchant, since customer profiles are often tied to price discounts.

If you enter an email belonging to an existing customer, a link icon will appear next to the customer.

Clicking on the link will activate the customer profile for the current order. 

Creating a new Customer Profile

Creating a new customer profile is a passive act.  All that is required beyond a normal order is a password.  If you supply a password, then a customer profile is created when the order is placed.

You cannot change passwords with this field. You may only establish new customers.

The password field is disabled if there is an active customer present. This is to reinforce the "create only" nature of the field.

Removing a Customer Profile from an Order

To remove a customer profile from an order, click the Clear Profile button next to the profile indicator at the bottom of the shipping address section.

SMS Opt-in

The customer can be opted into SMS for enhanced shipment tracking as well as SMS marketing campaigns and flows via Storefront Communications.

Miscellaneous Section