Process Payments - Affiliates

Process Payments - Affiliates

At the Reports Menu, click on the "Process Payments" link. The following screen will appear.

You may determine which pending payments you wish to process by checking the box to the left of the following options:

Date Rangeindicate the "from and to dates" in the drop-down menus.
Days since last paymententer number of days in the box provided.
Minimum Amount Dueenter the amount in the box provided.
Pay via PayPal OnlyList on Affiliate that can be paid via PayPal
Pay via Check OnlyList of Affiliate that can only be paid via check
Order contained Item IDList items you would like to pay commission on
Order Doesn't contain itemList item that are not on the orders.
AffiliateEnter a list of the affiliate ID that you would like to view on the report.

Once you have set your criteria, click on the "Change" button. UltraCart will then display your information based upon your search criteria.
If you have no pending payments for the period you set, you will receive a "No Payments Found" message. Enter new criteria and again click on the "Change" button.
The final report will show the Affiliate Name, Payment Address, and Amount to Pay. There will also be a box provided to enter a Check Number (if desired).

Click the checkbox under the Record Payment column for each payment you wish to process. Click on the "Process Payments" button when finished. The following screen will be displayed showing the payments processed.