Affiliate Management - Reports

Affiliate Management - Reports

Affiliate Reports/Tools

The affiliate system has a number of useful reports and tools located at:

Main Menu → Advanced → Affiliate Management

Click on the Reports tab at the Overview Screen (shown below).


Both Reports and Tools options will be listed on this screen



The first section contains the high level reports that are available to the affiliate manager as described below.

Report Name


Report Name


All Affiliates

This report shows all the affiliates on the UltraCart account. It provides the affiliate ID, name, email address, affiliate type, unique clicks, items sold, and total commissions for a given time period. It will include affiliates that you previously disabled.  

Commission Analysis

This report provides the transaction level details for all the commissions generated for a given sales period including affiliate, order id, buyer, item details, etc.

Click Summary

This report provides the total number of customer clicks through affiliate links per day for a given sales period.

 Retention of raw affiliate click log data (raw click history) is only retained for 365 days.


Payment Summary

This report provides a history of the payments that you have recorded as being paid to your affiliates. 

Sales Summary

This report provides the number of sales generated by all the affiliates and the gross sales amount for each day of a given sales period.

Traffic Summary

This report analysis the traffic that individual affiliates are generating to provide an executive level view of revenue generation by affiliate.

This report is currently considered ALPHA.



The Affiliate Manager's tools are described in the 2nd section.





Broadcast Email

Allows the affiliate manager to send a broadcast email to all the affiliates on the UltraCart account.

Fraud Review

Scans orders associated with affiliates for potential fraud.  The most common fraud this tool will find is customers signing up as affiliates to reduce the amount they pay for a product.

Process Payments

This tool allows merchants to process payments to their affiliates via check or PayPal MassPay.

Export Payments

Similar to the process payments tool, this tool allows you to export the payment information (to send to a check writing service for example) and mark all the payments as completed.

Export Affiliates

Exports the Affiliate ID and Email address for all affiliates in a spreadsheet format.



Question: We are running reports for an affiliate for a single day. When we compare the "Completed Orders" and then compare it to the "Sub-Id" report, we are seeing a large discrepancy between the two reports (2 vs. 30) What accounts for the discrepancy? 

Answer: The "Completed Orders" report provides the details only for orders that occurred during the reporting period, whereas the "Sub-Id" report shows the outcome of the clicks that occurred during the reporting period. The reason for the difference between the two reports is that customers often click a link initiating a checkout, but then don't end up purchasing that day, but they end up coming back and completing their purchase a short period after the initial click through (usually 1-2 days later). The Sub-Id" report reflects that behavior.


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