Copy Order

Copy Order

Copying an Order to Create a New Order

Aside from Clone Order via Back End Order Entry (which is the recommended method in most cases), there are two options for creating a copy of an order, in the “Tools” section of possible actions, from the review order page:

  1. Copy Order

  2. Copy Order to Clipboard

The Copy Order tool copies the order “as is” including any populated custom fields, shipping method selections, etc.

IF you want to create a new order using the details a a previous order, but not duplicate everything from the previous order, clone the order instead
Clone Order via Back End Order Entry


Copy Order

The copy order button will create a new order from the current order. The entire order is duplicated to an new orderID and the new order shows up in the Accounts receivables department for payment processing.


The Copy Order button appears in the possible actions menu whenever viewing an individual order.

The Copy Order tool copies the order “as is” including any populated custom fields, shipping method selections, etc.

If the order is older than 60 days and is a one time purchase item, the credit card details will be purged down to the last 4 digits.


Copy Order to Clipboard

You’ll find this option when viewing an individual order in the Shipping Department for a Distribution Center configured as an “inhouse” shipping department (the transmission mechanism is configured to “None” in the shipping distribution center.


This button copies the order to the clipboard, this is useful for copying the order details into a 3rd party application.



Clone Order via Back End Order Entry

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