Modifying an Existing Order Record


Clicking on an order ID will take you to the Shipment Screen where you can view and edit order information. This screen is divided into three sections; Actions, Order Details, and Merchant Comments. 

Previous / Next navigation buttons
In the top right corner of the order (while viewing from the Shipping Department) you may see the Previous Order and Next Order buttons. These options will only display if you have more then one (1) order within the shipping department.


This section allow you to do things like edit the order information, print packing slips, and even resend a receipt to the customer.

Option Name


Option Name


Edit Customer

Click this to edit customer information: billing, shipping, coupons, ect.

Edit Shipping

Click this to edit the customers shipping information. including address and shipping method selected.

Edit Items

Click this to edit the Item on this order. If this is an Auto order then the items can not be edited.

Copy Order

Allows you to copy this order into a new order. The new order will be sent into Account Receivable.

Refund and Reject

Simply rejects the order removing it from the shipping department.

Print Packing Slip

Allows you to print the packing slip for this order.

Print HTML

The "Print HTML" button will send the file to your printer. It will also be displayed in a new browser window. You can view the html from the browser window by selecting "page source" under the VIEW menu at the top of the screen.

Address Clipboard

Copy Shipping Address

Order Clipboard

Copy order details

Resend Receipt

The "Resend Receipt" button will send the receipt notification to the customers email address listed on the order.

Tracking Numbers

This section allows you to add up to 5 tracking number to this order. you can also mark the order as shipped and skip the customer shipment notification.

Edit Customer


Clicking on the Edit Customer Button will take you to The Edit Customer. 

This screen has Seven tabs: Billing, Shipping, Items, Gift, Tax, Coupons and Other. Edit Customer will also start with a display of the customer billing information.

Billing Tab

The Customers personal information, the payment date and method, credit card information and merchant notes can all be edited here. 

IF you need to charge the customer's credit card for the difference between the original order and the modified order, click the "terminal" button.
See Virtual Terminal Button

Click the "Save" button when finished. 

Shipping Tab

On the Shipping screen you can edit the customers shipping details.

The shipping method, handling charges, tracking number and shipping date can all be changed if needed.

Space is also provided for special instructions.

Once you have completed the editing, Shipping Costs can be recalculated by clicking by either clicking the "Rate" or "@cost" buttons.

  • "Rate" button will recalculate the shipping/handling based on your shipping method configuration. 

  • "@cost" button will recalculate the shipping cost, excluding any handling fee's you have configured on the shipping methods.

Click the calculated shipping method rate to which you wish to update the order. (Alternatively, you can also hand edit the "Shipping/Handling Total" field directly.)

Items Tab

This will list all items of the order. Merchants can modify all item details as well as delete or add individual items from the order. This page is broken up into two section, Items currently on the order and a section to add new items.

Note:  If items are added or changed after payment has been processed for the original order details, you'll need to proceed to the billing tab and use the virtual "terminal" button to perform the payment processing for the difference. 
Virtual Terminal Button

Modifying an item is very straightforward. Once you have made your changes, click on the "Save" button. 
(Re-calculation of subtotal/totals for the order will automatically occur, based on the changes to the items and item quantities. )

To update the shipping/handing after editing the items, click the checkbox "Update/Shipping/Handling" then click the "Recalculate" button:

Please Note: There are additional options for modifying the shipping method selection and recalculating the shipping/handling amount in the Shipping Tab of the order editor.

Editing Items

Each item ordered will be separated by a dividing line. The "Options" section (below the Description box) is auto-expandable. Once you complete one entry and click on the "Recalculate" button at the top of the screen, another empty line will be generated for your next option.

Adding New Items

Below the last item listed in this screen, is a section for adding additional item(s) into the order.

Enter the Item ID and Quantity into the two fields provided and click on the "Add" or " Add and Continue Editing" buttons to top. The newly added item will appear is the list with the others. 

Gift Tab

At the Gift Tab you can edit the gift charge, wrapping paper title, wrapping paper cost and gift message. Click on the "Save" button when finished. 

Tax Tab

At the Tax tab you can set/change the County and the Tax Rate. Click the "Save" button when finished. </