Digital Access Pass Integration

Digital Access Pass Integration


The document provides details for integration of DigitalAccessPass.com (DAP) with your UltraCart account, for management of memberships/subscriptions.

How does the integration work?

When a purchase is completed using Ultracart payment button, DAP will automatically create a membership account for the user and send out welcome email that you configure in DAP Products page -> Notifications tab.

Supported Purchase Item Types

DAP supports integration of one-time as well as subscription products with Ultracart.

When a user purchases a subscription product, DAP will automatically give user access to the product for the ‘recurring cycle’ number of days.

You can define the recurring cycle in DAP Products page -> Pricing tab.

If it is set to say 30 days, the users will initially receive 30 days of access to product upon purchase.

After each recurring/subscription payment, dap will receive notification from Ultracart and automatically extend user’s access to product by ‘subsequent recurring cycle’ that you set in DAP Products page -> Pricing tab.

for complete details, navigate to: 


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