Shipping Department Transmission Log

Shipping Department Transmission Log


Shipping departments that are configured with an external fulfillment service will have a "LOG" button.  Clicking the log button will display the transmission activity with the fulfillment service.

Inspecting the Log

The log page will differ depending upon the particular transmission mechanism / fulfillment integration.  However, the basic details will be "Filter" hyperlinks shown above the log entries.  They are for filtering the type of transmission log entries that will appear:

There are three filter options (only two appear in the screenshot above):

  1. Send Order - (The transmissions over to the Fulfillment server) 
  2. Process Shipment Confirmation - (The transmissions back to UltraCart confirming shipment of order(s). These may contain tracking numbers where applicable.)
  3. Process Inventory - (These transmissions will update the UltraCart item inventory settings based on the inventory being reported from the fulfillment service.)

Inspecting the Details of the individual log entries

You may need to inspect your log entries for troubleshooting transmission errors.

Clicking the "VIEW" button along the right side of a log entries will display the transmission details:

Inspecting the log details:

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