Fulfillment Provider view

Fulfillment Provider view

Fulfillment Center View

As mentioned earlier, those merchants with a Transmission Mechanism configured will see a completely different Distribution Center view than those doing their own shipping. These merchants have someone, usually a 3rd party fulfillment center, handling their pick, pack and ship operation and therefore do not have the need for the tool bar seen in the Self Serviced DC view.


RefreshClick on this button to "redraw" the screen. This will insure you are current with any possible order changes that may have occurred and it will remove all check marks. It's a simple and quick way to start over with a clean and up-to-date screen.
ReleaseIf you are using the feature to hold orders for review, you will have this option which will allow you to select the order you want to remove from this hold and sent to the fulfillment center.

Remove from Queue

This button is used to remove orders (Queued for Transmission) that you've decided not to send to the fulfillment center. Click on the checkbox to the left of the orders desired and then click on the "Remove from Queue" button.


This option will allow you to move any selected order to another distribution center. You will only see this option if you have more then 1 distribution center configured.


This button will appear only for those transmission mechanisms (fulfillment centers) that have 2-way communications integrated with UltraCart. Click this button to view the log file showing details of transmission between UltraCart and the fulfillment center. This is very helpful to confirm transmission times.

Marked Shipped

When orders are successfully sent to the fulfillment center, the Order ID's will move through the columns automatically and UltraCart will mark them as "completed". Occasionally you may need to manually mark a order as shipped.

Shipping Status Columns

The lower portion of the screen will display these columns (varying depending fulfillment center: Held for Review, Queued for Transmission, Queued for Pickup, Pending Immediate Transmission, Unacknowledged Shipments and Recently Acknowledged Shipments.

Held for Review

Queued for Pickup

Orders in this column are awaiting pickup by your fulfillment center. Your fulfillment center should be polling the UltraCart system looking for new orders.  Please contact your fulfillment center if you experience any delay in orders awaiting pickup.  Inquire why they are not polling the UltraCart system.

Queued for Transmission

Orders will appear in this column on first arrival into the shipping department only if you have Transmission Schedules configured (see page ). These orders will not be transmitted to fulfillment until the scheduled time arrives. Once transmitted, the order will move to the 3rd column.

Pending Immediate Transmission

Orders will appear in this column on first arrival into the shipping department only if you do not have Transmission Schedules configured. They typically will reside in this column for only 2 to 5 minutes.

Unacknowledged Shipments

Orders that appear in this column have already been transmitted to the distribution (fulfillment) center and are awaiting return of confirmation and/or tracking information. If you have a 1-way transmission mechanism then the order will not appear here but goes directly to the Recently Acknowledged Shipments column.

Recently Acknowledged Shipments

Orders that appear in this column have received confirmation and/or tracking information. They are marked as "completed". You will see approximately one weeks worth of orders listed here.

Frequently Asked Questions

Question: What happens when an order is "rejected" while residing in the shipping transmission queue? 

Answer: If they have transmission schedules configured, then when it's time for the transmission of the queued order over to the fulfillment service, the transmission routine that sends the orders over first checks to see if they are rejected, and at that point in time it removes any rejected order from the transmission batch.