How to Delete a Batch of Customer Profiles

How to Delete a Batch of Customer Profiles

How to Delete a Batch of Customer Profiles

This tutorial will cover how to delete a batch of customer profiles from your UltraCart account. Over time you may accumulate a large collection of customer profiles and want to delete older ones that no longer apply.

Exporting Existing Customer Profiles

The first step is to export your existing customer profiles to a spreadsheet under:

Just click the download button on the export as shown below.

This will download an Excel Spreadsheet. Just tell your browser to open it.

Pruning Entries from the Spreadsheet

When the spreadsheet opens you will want to DELETE rows from the spreadsheet that you want to have REMOVED from your UltraCart account. You should leave all the customer profiles in the spreadsheet that you want to retain on your account. The example below shows selecting a range of customer profiles in the spreadsheet and deleting them.

Now save the file to a temporary location on your computer. Your desktop is an easy place to locate the file.

Performing the Import

Now we are going to import our modified spreadsheet using the customer profile import functionality located at:

Select the file that you saved in the prior step of this tutorial and click Continue.

When the next screen appears check the checkboxes as shown and map only the email field.

The "Delete customer profiles in UltraCart that do not exist in this import file." is what will cause the pruning to take place. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click continue. After the system scans through the records it will display a confirmation page of all the customer profiles that are going to be deleted as shown below. Review this list carefully and then click the "Delete Checked Customer Profiles" button.