Customer Profiles Import Tutorial

Customer Profiles Import Tutorial


Main Menu → Operations → Customer Profiles → Import


Customer Profile Import uses a "wizard" process to walk you through the steps of importing customer profile records.

Customer Profile Data Fields

The following is a listing of current fields contained in the Customer Profile database along with a brief explanation of each. Most are self explanatory. The only Required field is the customers Email Address which is used as their Login to their account.

Field NameDescription
EmailCustomer's Email - used as Login

Address 1

Customer's address
Address 2Customer's 2nd address
Allow 3rd Party Billing Allows the customer to use their own shipping account for the billing of shipping costs.
CompanyCompany Name
Customer Profile IDID assigned by our system
Day PhoneDaytime phone of Customer
Evening PhoneEvening phone of Customer
First NameFirst Name
Last NameLast Name
No Free ShippingDisallows Free Shipping
Postal Code

Postal Code


There may be additional fields depending on certain configurations you may have on your account.  One such example is "Pricing Tiers".

Step 1

The Customer Profile Import wizard is located on the Customer Profiles page. Upon clicking the Import link you are presented with the first step of the import wizard process:

Using this tool, you can import your customer profile information by choosing the file then selecting the appropriate text file delimiter (most commonly a comma (,)) and the profiles will be automatically created or updated with the specified information from your import file.

The Pre-defined Importing Mapping is only used if you have imported and saved the mapping file in the past . After selecting the file and Text file delimiter click "Continue to Step 2".

Step 2

Email is currently the only required column. We can not import your data without the Email address.

 At the top of the page you will see an example of a few records on your file along with the option "Click this box if the first row contains field names." This is almost always checked.

Step 3

The import should now be complete and the profiles should be view-able from within the Customer Profile Manage section. 

Sending a Password Notice to Customer Profiles that were assigned a automatic password

If you are creating customer profiles for customers, you'll need to configure an email notification to be sent to each customer profile email in which their password was automatically assigned. 


Main Menu → Operations > Customer Profiles > Send Password Notice

You'll configure the message template using the special tags:

Special TagDescription
[firstname]Replaced by first name of the customer profile.
[lastname]Replaced by last name of the customer profile.
[email]Replaced by email of the customer profile.
[password]Replaced by password of the customer profile.
[dayphone]Replaced by day phone of the customer profile.
[eveningphone]Replaced by evening phone of the customer profile.
[company]Replaced by company of the customer profile.

After configuring the email template with your custom content, click the "Preview" button to preview the rendered email, then once you have proofread and verified the rendered message , you'll click the "Send" button to send the message.

Related Documentation

Customer Profiles Export Tutorial