Integrating SilverPop

Integrating SilverPop

About SilverPop:

We know marketers because we are marketers. See how you can get a better Return on Relationships.


Integrating SilverPop into your UltraCart account is quick and easy.

Step 1

If you don't already have a SilverPop account, start here .

When you ready to integrate your SilverPop with your UltraCart account, navigate from the UltraCart Main Menu to Marketing then scroll down and click on SilverPop.

Step 2

Enter your SilverPop "Username" & "Password" then choose your assigned API Server from the "Server" drop-down menu. 
Click the Save button to save your SilverPop settings.

Step 3

Finally, place the "Tracking Code" script into all of your website pages. 

Your Done!


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