Emma - Stylish Email Marketing

Emma - Stylish Email Marketing

Integrating Emma (Email Marketing)

About Emma:

UltraCart's integration with Emma allows you to sign up and use Emma's Email Marketing for your email campaigns.

Emma's gives you:

  • Free DIY templates or custom design options, all mobile-ready
  • An industry-leading delivery rate of 99.2%
  • Award-winning customer service by phone or email

Like UltraCart Emma has a 30-day risk free trial with no credit card required.

Integrating Emma into your UltraCart account is quick and easy!

To signup for Emma go here: http://myemma.com/get-started/trial

Once you're signed up for Emma you'll need to configure your UltraCart account to talk with your Emma account.


Once you have added your credentials, UltraCart will communicate with Emma to pull the lists that you can use.

Simply add check boxes to the lists that you want to use and UltraCart will now send the information over to Emma for any new customers!


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