Changing Shipping Method Validity on Multiple Items

Changing Shipping Method Validity on Multiple Items

Changing Shipping Method Validity on Multiple Items

Often times you will want to make a shipping method valid for many of your items. Instead of performing this task at the Item level (clicking on each individual item then clicking on the shipping tab and finally setting the method to invalid) you can make mass changes from the shipping method level. This tutorial will guide you through the steps to make, for example, USPS: Priority Mail invalid for several store items.

First navigate to the shipping method restrictions tab by clicking:

Scroll towards the bottom of the page until you see the Item Restrictions section as shown below.

In the list you can view up to 2500 items from your store. You can set the validity of each item by clicking the appropriate radio buttons. After you are satisfied with your settings, scroll to the bottom and click Save.

At the top of the list is a row labeled <all> with check boxes instead of radio buttons. If you click on a check box it will select that option for all items. If you need to make a method invalid for a large number of items it may be quicker to check the "invalid for" <all> box and and then set only those few items back to "valid for".