Configuring a backup shipping method

Configuring a backup shipping method


Occasionally, the major shippers' shipping rate API's can become temporarily unavailable. If your shipping method configuration relies on real-time configuration, this situation can cause the checkout process to be "stuck" at the shipping method calculation step, due to no shipping method rates being returned by the API.

In order to prevent this situation, you may wish to configure a "back up" shipping method.

Configuring the Back up method

  1. To create this backup method, you'll need to be able to configure an additional shipping method that is either not configured with real-time cost calculation OR configure a real-time method that is from another shipper.
  2. Next, edit each of the existing shipping methods that will normally appear, and slect in the "other" tab of the shipping method editor, the checkbox settings "Filter other methods when this method is available"

Related Documentation

Shipping Methods

Shipping Method Configuration#Other