Why Are My Shipping Estimates Not Displaying During Checkout?

Why Are My Shipping Estimates Not Displaying During Checkout?

Shipping cost calculation involves many factors. By default the built shipping methods for the supported shippers default to a "Real-time" calculation that involves a packing solution calculation to determine the package weight and dimensional (L x W, H) details along with the origination point (defined by the City, State, & Postal code details) and the delivery address (Street address, City, State and Postal code details) which are then transmitted to the shippers API, which then returns an estimate for each of the configured shipping methods from the shipper that deliver to the delivery address.

Please note: Since these real-time calculated shipping methods communicate with the shippers API in order to determine the valid shipping methods and their calculated shipping cost, there can be server timeouts and other similar "outages" that may occur from time to time.

How Can I Check On The Status Of The Shipping API server(s) for my shipper(s)?

The first thing to check is the status of the shippers servers. You can use this website to track the uptime and reported server issues here: https://www.shippingapimonitor.com/

If the server appears up based on viewing the https://www.shippingapimonitor.com/, then next step is to test the checkout in your troubleshooting mode by logging into your UltraCart account, then either:

  1. Navigate to your website to initial a shopping cart checkout
  2. Use the "View All Orders (In Any Stage)" tool to locate an order to use for troubleshooting by either viewing the packing solution or coning the order to the BEOE to view the shipping "packing solution" link which will appear just below the estimates (or location of the estimates would appear if none are displaying). 

If you are still unsure of the issue or need to better fine tune your shipping configuration, please see the the following Troubleshooting Shipping 'help' document.

Things You can Proactively Do When The Shippers API is Down

  1. If its the USPS API that is down, you can "Disable the U.S.P.S. Address Standardization" from the checkout process, by selecting that checkbox from the "Checkout Options" tab in the shipping configuration area. 
  2. You can change the shipping method cost calculation from real-time to one of the non real-time calculation options.

Advanced Troubleshooting of your Shipping configuration

The Problem

You're expecting a particular shipping method to display for an order and it's not available.

Quick Steps to Troubleshooting

  • Login to the merchant portal
  • Navigate to the Item Screen
  • View the links for the item you're having trouble with
  • Click on "open in new window" button
  • On the cart screen that appears, click the 'Actual Shipping' link
  • Enter location information into the form
  • Back on the cart page, click the 'View Packing Solution' link
  • Review the packing solution for information.
  • Scroll to the bottom and review the section 'No Estimates for Shipping Methods'

No Estimates for Shipping Methods - Reason Codes

"Not Valid for" reasons


Detailed Steps to Troubleshooting

Here are some screenshots illustrating the steps needs to troubleshoot a shipping method

Login to the merchant portal

Navigate to the Item Screen

Home Items Item Management

View the links for the item you're having trouble with

Click on the "open in new window" button to add the item to the cart

Enter location information into the form

Review the packing solution for information.

Scroll to the bottom and review the section 'No Estimates for Shipping Methods'

Troubleshooting Shipping while using the BEOE

Within the BEOE tool you can also troubleshoot any shipping issues by using the "View packing solution" option.

You can find BEOE by going to:

Main Menu Operations Order Management Manually enter an order

Once an address and item has been added there will be a section to Calculate shipping. If you click the Calculate button, but no shipping method are returned or you don't see the one you would expect you can use the "View Packing Solution" link to view the details of the shipment.

 We will also display just above the link the "Last Calculation Attempt", and the details we got back. In this case there were zero applicable shipping methods found. By clicking on the " View Packing Solution" we can see that the international shipping method for this account have been disabled and no other method are allowed internationally.