Google Tag Manager

Google Tag Manager

Integrating Google Tag Manager into your Storefront

Main Menu → Storefronts → Choose Storefront Host → (Storefronts menu) Privacy & Tracking → Google (tab) → Scroll down to 'Tag Manager section

You need to configure the following credentials:


Google Tag Manager configuration section in Storefront Privacy and Tracking


  • Container ID (Required)
    Install a container in your content. Near the top of the window, find your container ID, formatted as "GTM-XXXXXX". Click your container ID to launch the Install Tag Manager box. Copy and paste the code snippets into your website as instructed, or download and install the appropriate mobile SDK.

    Setup and installation - Tag Manager Help - Google Help


    Try using this chrome plugin for testing the google tag manager:


You may receive a warning that the script is not rendering in the head section of the page. Please note that the script is still functional. Please allow up to 24 hours after configuring your container ID for google to begin registering the traffic.

  • Server Side Script URL (Optional)

  • Opt in to (recommended)
    These settings allow you to comply with General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). For more regarding CGPR see:

    General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

    *Disclaimer: This is not legal advice. The General Data Protection Regulation is complex and each merchant should obtain legal advice to discover how the regulation applies to their specific business.

Google Troubleshooting tools

Google Tag Manager and Google Tag Assistant
Are used together to manage and troubleshoot tags effectively. Google Tag Assistant is a troubleshooting tool that helps verify the implementation and functionality of tags on your website, while Google Tag Manager is used to manage and deploy tags from Google products and third parties.

Google Tag Manager (GTM) offers a feature called Preview and Debug mode, which allows you to test and validate changes to your tracking and analytics setup before deploying them live on your website. This mode acts as a sandbox where you can experiment with tracking configurations without impacting real user data.


Google Tag Assistant

For troubleshooting Google Tag Manager issues, Google Tag Assistant is recommended as it provides detailed diagnostics and allows you to debug your website, including iframes, within a single session. It also includes a side panel that allows you to see and check all the tags firing on your page and can help identify issues such as missing or duplicated tags, incorrect tag configurations, and data discrepancies.

To troubleshoot issues, you can use the Tag Assistant Chrome extension to analyze tags on your domain, troubleshoot tags on your site, and verify their implementation and functionality. Additionally, you can use Google Tag Manager's Preview and Debug mode for more in-depth testing and validation of your tags and triggers.

In summary, while both tools are essential, Google Tag Assistant is particularly useful for troubleshooting and verifying the implementation of tags, making it the best tool for this specific purpose

Google Tag Assistant . https://support.google.com/tagassistant/answer/10039345#zippy=%2Cin-this-article
Additional Google Tag Manager troubleshooting resources:

28 Google Tag Manager Debugging and Testing Tips - Analytics Mania


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