Facebook Analytics & Custom Audiences

Facebook Analytics & Custom Audiences

This tutorial will guide you through the process of configuring the Facebook Analytics & Custom Audiences. Server is tracking allows UltraCart to communicate a conversion using an API instead of JavaScript on the receipt. The primary advantages of this are:

  1. Capture revenue associated with upsell abandons.

  2. Capture revenue associated with Accounts Receivable Retry.

  3. Capture revenue with declined card updates.

  4. Capture revenue associated with AVS capture.

Obtaining the Access Token

Within the Facebook Events Manager click on your existing pixel. Then click Setup → Setup Server Side API.

Click Next, Next then Setup as shown below.



Select the proper existing pixel as shown below.

Click Create New App as shown below.

Name the app something similar to what is shown below, enter your email, keep live selected then click create app.

The app should now be selected. Click Next.

Enter a name for a system user as shown below then click create.

Select the system user you just created and click next.

Click the Generate Access Token button as shown below.

Copy the access token off to your clipboard then click next.

Click Done.

Configuring the UltraCart Facebook Tracking.

Under your StoreFront click on Privacy and Tracking then click on Other as shown below.

Scroll down to the Facebook section and configure the access token below the pixel id as shown below.

Tracking Landing Pages External to StoreFronts

If you are sending Facebook traffic to an external site such as a landing page or custom checkout, please make sure you have properly deployed UltraCart Analytics Tracking. This is necessary to plumb Facebook data to support server-to-server conversion reporting.



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