Understanding Emails Related to Auto Order Processing

Understanding Emails Related to Auto Order Processing

Understanding Emails Related to Auto Order Processing

During the life-cycle of an auto order there are numerous emails that can go out to the customer and/or the merchant.  This document will explain the types of emails that go out, to whom, and the event that triggers the sending.

RecipientTrigger EventEditable TemplateSuppressibleNotes
CustomerPre-shipment NotificationY (auto order preshipment)N/A - only sent if the merchant configures it

The pre-shipment notice is sent to the customer X days before the actual shipment takes place.  The preshipment notice is configured on the auto order schedule along side the delays and steps.

Merchant (users with auto orders notification selected)No shipping methods available

This email occurs when UltraCart tries to rebill an item and no shipping methods can be determined for the new order it is trying to process.  The email will contain details of the cart contents to assist the merchant in troubleshooting their configuration issue.  Until this issue is corrected the auto order will not successfully process.

CustomerDeclined CardY (auto order update billing decline)Y - if "Skip Problem Notice Email" is selected

Sends the customer a note that their card has been declined on the attempted rebill.  The number of times this can be send is configured under Main Menu -> Configuration -> Auto Order Processing.  The email contains a link for the customer to update their billing information.

Default Message

You should review and update the message to your preference. By default the message states that the auto order has been cancelled. You may wish to reword the defaulted message. Below is the default message:

Dear {{firstName}},

Your auto order has been canceled due to several failed
attempts to charge your credit card.

The order was originally placed on {{originalDate}} as
order {{orderId}}.

If you would like to continue to receive the products,
please update your information at our site by clicking
here: Update your information


CustomerMerchant clicks the "Send Billing Update Email" button in the auto order editor

Y (auto order update billing)

Sends the customer the "auto order update billing" message.

Default Message

You should review and update the message to your preference. By default the message states that the auto order has been cancelled. You may wish to reword the defaulted message. Below is the default message:

Dear {{firstName}},

Your auto order has been canceled due to several failed
attempts to charge your credit card.

The order was originally placed on {{originalDate}} as
order {{orderId}}.

If you would like to continue to receive the products,
please update your information at our site by clicking
here: Update your information


Merchant (users with auto orders notification selected)Declined Card

Let's the merchant know that a rebill has failed in case they want to proactively contact the customer to get updated billing information.

CustomerCanceled (Billing Failure)Y (auto order update billing)Y - if "Skip Problem Notice Emails" is selected

Once an auto order has been canceled due to billing failures, UltraCart can email the customer with a link to update their credit card information and reactivate the recurring billing.

Merchant (users with auto orders notification selected)Canceled (Billing Failure)

Once an auto order has been canceled due to billing failures, UltraCart sends the merchant a notification in case they want to be pro-active with the customer and obtain updated information to reactivate the billing.

CustomerExpired CardNY - if "Skip Problem Notice Emails" is selected

When a card is expired, UltraCart will send the customer an email with a link to update their billing information.

Merchant (users with auto orders notification selected)Expired Card

When a card is expired, UltraCart will send the merchant a notice about the expired card in case they want to be pro-active with the customer in obtaining new billing information.

CustomerCanceled (By Customer)NY - if "Skip Problem Notice Emails" is selected

An order can be canceled by the customer via the following ways:

  1. They use the self service form (the cancel link given to the merchant to put on their website at the bottom of the auto order processing configuration screen).
    1. If they enter their email, first, last, and last 4 digits of their card the cancellation is instant.
    2. If they enter only their email then the system will send them an email with a link to click in order to cancel for security reasons.
  2. Via enabled selfservice Auto Order Management options in the My Account Customer Portal
  3. A program written by the merchant to call the Order Management Web Service makes a call to one of the two cancel as customer API functions available.
  4. ***The merchant uses the auto order editor and clicks the cancel as customer button.
CustomerCancelled (clicking "Cancel" button or unselecting the "enabled" checkbox in the auto order editor then saving the change.)NY - In the storefronts "Emails" menu choose "Delivery Options" then select the "Skip notification" checkbox for the "Auto order cancel"

Auto order calling can occur:

  1. Clicking the cancel button that appears in the auto order search results
  2. The "Cancel" buton in the auto order editor
  3. Unselecting the "enabled" checkbox in the auto order editor then saving the changes.

Auto Order FAQ

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