Tutorial: Adding Facebook Business Manager's Verification Meta-Tag for domain verification to your Storefront host.


This tutorial describes the steps to add the Facebook Manager Meta-tag, which verifies your domain for purpose of ensuring that only verified owners can edit the way their content appears on Facebook.

For more about domain verification for Facebook Business Manager:  
and then perform the steps detailed in the following Facebooks for Developers knowledgebase article:



Your storefront host will require a custom SSL based upon your domain name:
For Checkout Only configurations, the storefront should have a subdomain applied: secure.yourdomainname.com
For storefronts configured as a Entire Storefront, the storefront host name must be your domain that you are verifying:

See: https://ultracart.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/ucdoc/pages/1377568/Change+Store+Web+Address?src=search https://ultracart.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/ucdoc/pages/1377282

Adding the Domain Verification Meta-Tag to a Storefront

  1. To add the meta tag to your storefront, in your UltraCart account, you’ll navigate to the Storefront then click file manager, then type into the Quick Search field ‘document_top.vm
    NOTE: You may see multiple version of the document_top.vm template. You’ll see the templates associated with the active theme highlighted in green, and there will be two versions highlighted, the one we want to edit is the one with ‘theme’ in the path:


  2. In the open editor, scroll down below the existing content and paste meta-tag into bottom of the document, below the existing code:


  3. Click the save button to save the changes.