Creating Custom Upsells with a StoreFront
Installing a new theme from the gallery
Previewing a new theme before activating it for customers
Fine tune your theme
Select a different theme
Upload a new theme
Upgrade your StoreFronts Theme
Handling merge conflicts resulting from Theme Upgrade
Delete a theme
Create a copy of your theme
Moving a StoreFront from one merchant to another
Copying a theme from one StoreFront to another
Adding a link to a menu
Reordering a menu
Creating a submenu
Deleting a menu
Creating a new menu in storefront using the Visual Builder
Adding another language to your web site
Changing the default language of your web site
Changing Checkout Text
Editing a specific line of text for one of the languages
How StoreFront handles static text and multi-lingual support
How to translate Page, Item or Blog Post text
Theme Multi-Lingual Support
How does Multi-Lingual support work for the end customer