Understanding Auto Order State
Understanding Auto Order State
Auto Orders can transition through multiple states based upon how the payments process, customer actions, and merchant actions. The list below describes several scenarios and how the properties on the auto order object will behave.
Scenario: Auto order in good standing
- enabled = true
- credit_card_attempt = 0
- all item[].next_shipment_dts > now
Scenario: Auto order runs the complete schedule successfully
- enabled = false
- disabled_dts = date/time the auto order was disabled
- all item[].next_shipment_dts >= 1/1/2030
Scenario: Card has declined at least once, but auto order is still active and will be retried
- enabled = true
- credit_card_attempt = number greater than zero
Scenario: Card is attempted X times, declines, and the auto order disabled.
- enabled = false
- disabled_dts = date/time the auto order was disabled
- credit_card_attempt = number of attempts that have been made
Scenario: Customer cancels the auto order via an interactive cancellation form or easy cancel email (if the merchant has that enabled)
- enabled = false
- canceled_by_user = "customer"
- canceled_dts = date/time of the activity
Scenario: Merchant goes into the auto order editor and sets the status to "canceled by customer"
- enabled = false
- canceled_by_user = "customer"
- canceled_dts = date/time of the activity
Scenario: Merchant goes into the auto order editor and sets the status to "canceled by merchant"
- enabled = false
- canceled_by_user = "login that perform the cancel"
- canceled_dts = date/time of the activity
Scenario: Merchant goes into the auto order editor and sets the status to "disabled"
- enabled = false
- disabled_dts = date/time the auto order was disabled