Everflow Integration

Everflow Integration


This tutorial will walk you through the process of configuring an integration with Everflow.


First navigate to StoreFront → <select your host> → Privacy and Tracking → Other → Everflow

Configure the Everflow domain and the associated parameter overrides. Here is an example:



For each upsell you can also configure an Everflow advertiser event id in the advanced settings. If the customer takes the upsell, UltraCart will record this advertiser event id as an item property on the order and include it in the transmission to Everflow when the payment is processed.


How the Integration Works

Your UltraCart StoreFront will automatically look for inbound traffic that contains the Everflow parameters, typically “_ef_transaction_id” and store away the associated information.

Once a payment has processed, UltraCart will perform a server-to-server API call to the Everflow system with all the details. You can view the communication with Everflow within the Integration Logs system. An example of what an integration log looks like is shown below:




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