Importing your file

Importing your file


The Batch Item Import tool allows you to create and modify your item configuration in your UltraCart account, via the uploading of a spreadsheet (in *.csv format) file.


Once you have your CSV file properly saved on your system, navigate UltraCart to the Batch Item Import.

Main Menu Items → (Pop-out menu) Tools Batch Item Import

Quick Start tip

Use Batch Item Export for Import spreadsheet template

A recommendation is to first manually configure one (or more) items using the item management interface in which you go through all of the tabs in the item editor, configuring as many fields as required for your items. Then once you have one (or a few) of your items manually configured, run the batch item export, which will generate a spreadsheet populated with all of the fields you configured in the item(s) you created. This spreadsheet will automatically have the proper column names in it for the import step. Then update the spreadsheet with the rest of your items, then begin your batch item import.

Step 1: File Import

At the Item Import screen, click on the "Browse" button to navigate within your system to locate your CSV file.

At you browse window, navigate to locate your file. Once you've located your import file, click on the "Open" button on your navigation screen.

You will be returned with the filename you selected appearing to the right of the "choose file" button, in the File Import box.

Now, Click on the "Continue" button. 

"Incompatible File type" Warning

If the file you selected for import is incompatible (non csv), you will receive a message to contact UltraCart Customer Support for assistance.

Click your browser's back arrow button to return to the Item Import screen to try again.


Step 2: Map Fields

Once your compatible CSV file has been located and selected, you will be brought to the Map Fields screen. In order for UltraCart to successfully import your items you need to align (match) YOUR field order with UltraCart's field order. This is called "field mapping" and is a critical process in the import process.


Use Batch Item Export for Import spreadsheet template

A recommendation is to first manually configure one (or more) items using the item management interface in which you go through all of the tabs in the item editor, configuring as many fields as required for your items. Then once you have one (or a few) of your items manually configured, run the batch item export, which will generate a spreadsheet populated with all of the fields you configured in the item(s) you created. This spreadsheet will automatically have the proper column names in it for the import step. Then update the spreadsheet with the rest of your items, then begin your batch item import.

(*If you already have your own spreadsheet, you can use the field mapping step to properly match your fields with the UltraCart fields as described below.)

Up to 10 of your imported records will be displayed. They are arranged in columns in the field order they held at import. Above each field (column) is a drop-down menu that contains a list of UltraCart's Item Fields. The fields are listed alphabetically. Select each Item Field to align (match) your item fields one at a time. If you do not select a match for a field, that particular field's data will not be imported. Note: you may need to scroll to the right to reach all fields (columns).

Some exported files contain heading information (field name of each column) in the first record (as shown above). If present, it's easier to identify and align your columns with UltraCart. However, if the headings are imported along with the rest of the file, the headings will become an "item" in your store. To prevent the headings from being imported, click the box immediately above the list of columns. If you fail to click the box prior to import, you can always delete the headings (item) in the item editor at a later time.

Special Note about the Import Field Ordering

UltraCart Mapping scheme can be a little confusing to the novice, as there are many configuration fields to the item editor.

The Documentation section to the first page of the Batch Item import page shows all the fields as they will appear in the drop down menu during the import mapping process. They are generally listed alphabetically. We recommend you study this diagram and compare it to your spreadsheet prior to attempting your import.

Special Category Fields

Some fields are listed under special categories (in Blue) with the applicable fields indented below each category title. The average, small store probably will not use these fields since they typically involve Dynamic Catalogs, Multiple Distribution Centers, and Wholesalers. These special categories fields are:




Name 1 thru 15 and Value 1 thru 15


Path, Title, Description, Image URL, Group Template and Item Template


Book Author, Book Format, Book ISBN, Book Publisher, Category, Music Artist, Music Format, Music Release Date, Omit From Feed, Product Type, Video Director, Video Format, Video Rating, Video Release Date and Video Starring

Handles Item

Distribution Centers

Inventory Level

Distribution Centers

Stock Picking Location

Distribution Centers


Name (1-10), Parent Item ID (1-10) and Value (1-10)

Volume Discounts

Quantity (1-10) and Cost Per Unit (1-10)

Pricing Tiers

Volume Discount Quantity (1-10) and Volume Discount Cost Per Unit (1-10)

Standard Fields

The special category fields (blue) and standard fields (red) are shown on the following chart. When you perform the field mapping function, the fields will be displayed in this order in the scrolling window. Typing the first letter of a word while the drop down window is visible will take you to the field that begins with the letter you entered. Re-typing the same letter will take you to next field beginning with that letter, and so on. Remember that indented fields are for the special category above them.

Step 3: Import Source Name (Optional)

Some merchants import files from multiple sources. If so, it's important to name the source. In doing so, you can take advantage of the options available in Step 4. If you fail to identify the source then one import file will overwrite the other which may or may not be desirable. Step 4 gives you control over that functionality.

If you are importing a source that you have imported and named before, select it from the drop-down menu. If you are import a new source, identify it by entering the new name in the "New Import Source Name" Field.

Step 4: Options

Some merchants use the batch importing process as a method to update existing store items and other tasks. The following 6 (optional) functions can be preformed during the import process:

  1. Delete items in UltraCart that do not exist in this imported file.
  2. Mark up prices
  3. Only update existing items
  4. Only import non-existent items
  5. Mark new items for cleanup
  6. Replace catalog assignments

Delete items in UltraCart that do not exist in this imported file.

Some of your store items may not exist in the file to be imported. Checking this box will present a list of these items so you can choose the ones you want deleted.

Mark up prices

If you would like the opportunity to mark up the prices specified in this import file by a percentage or flat amount during the import process then check this box. You'll be shown a list of all the different folder categories after clicking on the "Continue" button. Entering values here will affect all items within that folder.

Specify the percentage and flat fee markups for each folder. Enter percentages as 10.0%. If you specify a markup at a folder that is only one level deep, then it will appear to all subfolders unless a markup is specified for the subfolder as well.

Only update existing items

Often merchants use the import feature as a means to update all their items. If you don't want to import any new items, check this box. Only items that already exist will be updated.

Only Import non-existent items

If you only want to import new items that do not exist in your database check this box. This means any record in your import file that contains an Item ID that doesn't exist in your UltraCart file, will be import. Those matching Item ID's will not be imported.

Mark new items for cleanup

Selecting this option will tag the imported records for easy identification by our Clean-up Utility (Item Management  Tools). See page for details.

Replace catalog assignments

By default UltraCart will only add new catalog assignments. It will not purge any existing catalog path assignments. Check the box below if you want the assignments to be replaced with your new import.

Step 5: Save Import Mapping (Optional)

Saving the import mapping will allow you to upload the same file for future batch import/updates and have the field mapping automatically applied when you select the mapping form the drop-down list that s presented in step 1.

Related Documentation

Batch Item Export


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