Wholesale Signup/Approval Notification


The following templates are for the e-mail messages to your wholesale customer after they signup and when they are approved as a pricing tier customer.

Just enter your message below and use the special tags along the right side within the template copy to insert the customer data into the message template.


Main Menu → Configuration → (middle menu) Email Notifications → Wholesale Signup / Approval Notification

Wholesale Signup Confirmation and Approval Notification templates

When a wholesale customer completes the wholesale signup, they will receive a notification that their application has been received:

Wholesale signup confirmation and approval notification template

Upon approval a second email notification will be sent to alert the wholesale customer that the application has been approved.

The next set of email notification templates are for each pricing tier you have configured. In this case there is only a wholesale pricing tier, but if you have more than one pricing tier you’ll find a seprate section for each pricing tier:

Special Tags for Use with Wholesale Notification Templates

Within your notification email you can use the following tags. When UltraCart sends the email notification to the user it will replace the tag with the corresponding piece of information from their customer profile. Please note that you need to enter the square brackets around your tag.

Special Tag


Special Tag



First name of the customer profile.


Last name of the customer profile.


Email of the customer profile.


Password of the customer profile.


Day phone of the customer profile.


Evening phone of the customer profile.


Company of the customer profile.


Name of the pricing tier.