Copy of UltraBooks Error 3140
UltraBooks Error 3140 (The specified account is invalid or the wrong type.)
If UltraBooks is trying to import a sales receipt, for example number 6387, and receives the following error:
Add Sales Receipt Error 3140: There is an invalid reference to QuickBooks DepositToAccount "8000002F-1312405403" in the SalesReceipt. QuickBooks error message. The specified account is invalid or of the wrong type.
This error means that UltraBooks is attempting to import sales receipt and deposit the funds into the wrong account type. Look in your QuickBooks under Lists -> Chart of Accounts. You need to find an account that is either of the type Bank or Other Current Asset. Enter this account name into the QuickBooks Deposit to Account Code under Main Menu -> Configuration -> Payments within UltraCart. Once you've made the configuration change, please try your UltraBooks import again.